petek, 22. december 2017

K A T E J A : The fluffy bag!!!

Hi my Beloved!

So or so!?! It can be anyway! Polarity. I can feel good or bad. But no more excuses!

Why would I choose something, if it doesn’t feel good! Why would I want something, that I do not want? Why should I do something that is fussy, annoying, embarrassing? If I can choose joy, excitement, humor, laughter, ease, relaxation, pleasure, relaxation, happiness?

Well, that's not logical!

Just out of habit!?! Just because everyone before lived so… I think it's my perfect learning environment. I'm authentic. Just me. I think they're my biggest teachers.

I love living and enjoying this adventure of life!

We had advent party with coworkers last week! It was funny! Always a new joke! So much laughter! The most fun was taking the pictures! They had a device where you pressed the red button! Then it counted down 3, 2, 1! And three times! How we laugh! A suitcase with huge glasses was available! Hats! Rudolf horns! (My favorite!) Wigs! (I prefer that!!!) All the funny stuff!

I’m very happy that so many colleagues have come to party! We were dancing! Singing! We shared a dessert! Eat the chestnuts together! When is party is party! Simply the best!

I wore here my favorite coat! Of course white! but emphasis is on a fluffy bag! So amazing! This was a little pre-holidays gift... me to me... I just love it! Cross body bag with a lot of fun! Just like me!

A lovely day full of party, joy, fun! It’s room for more, always!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! It’s fun! Adventure!!! 

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