Hi my Beloved!
Anita Moorjani always gives such heartfelt
advice. So she asked the audience:
"What would you like to do to feel loved,
caring ...?
What changes would you make if you felt loved?
What would you do in life if you had a brand
new white paper sheet and can you start all over again?"
Lastly, she said that we should celebrate our
I do not think we can get a better message.
How can I celebrate my life today?
What is so beautiful today in my life?
How can I create a wonderful life today?
Time for reading under a tree in the shade.
This is not an ordinary bench under the tree! This is a bench with a view of
the sailing boats, on the river, to the entire bay. And the only one is in the
shade. I was slowly approaching.
So I enjoyed it in the shade. Ducks came to
me. I read. Then I won the spice of the terrace. Cafés, which is quite near the
water. Quite close. On my best corner. It's really a nice life! Coffee was
I like the melody of genuine music. And how
they danced. With all heart! The clothes were so special. The colors were so
alive. I applaud so strong and I was so happy!
I've fallen in!
In the sunset I found these beautiful
flowering shrubs! How they flourish in white! Inspiration to dress! No more
than all white! Perfection!
Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Belo
v belem
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Anita Moorjani
vedno daje tako srčne nasvete. Tako je spraševala poslušalko:
»Kaj bi želela
narediti, da bi se počutila ljubljeno, negovano…?
Katere spremembe bi
naredila, če bi se počutila ljubljeno?
Kaj bi delala v
življenju, če bi imela čisto nov bel list papirja in lahko začneš vse na novo?«
Nazadnje pa še je
rekla, da naj praznujemo življenje.
Mislim, da lepšega
sporočila ne moremo dobiti.
Kako lahko danes
praznujem življenje?
Kaj je danes tako
lepega v mojem življenju?
si lahko danes ustvarim čudovito življenje?
Čas za branje pod
drevesom v senci. To ni navadna klopca pod drevesom! To je klopca z razgledom
na jadrnice, na reko, na celoten zaliv. In edina tam je v senci. Počasi sem se
približevala. Zasedena! (Že od začetka sem jo imela na očeh.)
Tako sem uživala
tam v senci. Račke so prišle k meni. Brala sem. Potem pa sem še osvojila špic
terase. Kavarne, ki je čisto ob vodi. Čisto blizu. Na mojem najljubšem kotičku.
Res je lepo življenje! Kava pa je bila izjemna!
Rada imam melodiko pristne glasbe. Pa kako so
plesali. Čisto s srcem! Oblačila pa so bila tako posebno pisana. Barve pa tako
žive. Tako močno in z veseljem sem ploskala. Čisto sem padla noter!
sončnem zahodu sem našla te čudovite cvetoče grme! Kako so se bohotili v belem!
Navdih za oblačenje! Nič več kot vse belo! Popolnost!
Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
-Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink