Hi my Beloved!
What do I really want to
do in life?
What can I do? I can’t
wait to wake up and do it all the time!?
I'm all excited, that pulls me... purely.
I love living at this
time. And of course at this place. I can be free in what I am. I can freely
express myself. I can be genuine.
It means so to me. It's a privilege.
More than all the
freedoms I enjoy in the freedom of creation. This is my life. This is my passion. Today I can hardly wait to continue the painting.
What will happen? I'm about to take a step further. And then? It's so fun.
Every day something new is created, something that was not yesterday. Is not
life fun? Pure pleasure. Pure beauty.
I like sitting
outside. It
is quite clear. When a bird flies
past. Walkers are moving past. Chatting. Holding hands. It's nice.
I'm just here. I enjoy it.
As nature would give
me clues. Just
grow. Blossom. Be everything you are. Whispers
me. Even more than a whisper, it shows me again with an example. Everything is
growing. Everything is expanding. Everything is booming in the indescribable
beauty of color. Freshness. Beauty. Inspiration.
The sun is slowly
peeking through the clouds. It shines ever more sharply. It's just is. In
sincerity. Breadth. Everything is sweetened with pollen. Diversity. Love.
I follow my dreams. I follow my
splendor. Vivacity. Inspiration.
Sometimes the day comes
when everything is in lines. And this are red and white. Fresh as spring. Most
of all, I love this hat! I got it from my mom. And, of course, red shoes! (Peko!)
They're comfortable like slippers! And that's important! And red earrings in
the form of a flower! As a mild preparation for the sea and vacation.
Life loves you!
Love with all your
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
J A : Rdeče bele…
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Kaj si v resnici želim delati v življenju?
Kaj lahko počnem
neprestano? Komaj čakam, da se zbudim in delam to naprej? Sem vsa navdušena, da me potem potegne vase… čisto.
Rada živim v
tem času. In seveda na tem kraju. Lahko sem svobodna v tem, kar sem. Svobodno
se lahko izražam. Lahko sem pristna. To mi toliko pomeni. To
je privilegij.
Še bolj kot vse svobode
pa uživam v svobodi ustvarjanja. To je moja živost. To je
moja strast. Danes že
komaj čakam, da nadaljujem sliko naprej. Kaj bo nastalo? Približno si že
predstavljam korak dalje. Kaj pa potem? To je tako zabavno. Vsak dan nastane
nekaj novega, kaj še ni bilo včeraj. Kaj ni življenje zabavno? Čisti užitek.
Čista lepota.
Rada sedim zunaj. To je čisto jasno. Kdaj kakašna ptica prileti mimo.
Sprehajalci se premikajo mimo. Kramljajo. Se držijo za roke. Lepo je.
Samo sem. Uživam.
Kot bi mi narava dajala namige. Samo rasti. Cveti. Bodi vse, kar si. Šepeta mi. Še bolj kot šepeta, mi kaže vedno znova z zgledom. Vse raste.
Vse se širi. Vse se bohoti v nepopisni lepoti barvitosti. Svežine. Lepote.
Sonce počasi kuka skozi oblake. Vedno bolj močno sije. Samo je. V
iskrenosti. Širjave. Planjave. Vse je posladkano s cvetnim prahom. Pestrost. Ljubezen.
Sledenje svojim
sanjam. Sledim svojemu
sijaju. Živost. Navdih.
Včasih pride dan, ko je vse v črtah. In to
rdeče belih. Sveže kot pomlad. Najbolj pa obožujem ta klobuk! Dobila sem ga od
mame. In seveda rdeče čevlje! Udobni so kot copatki! In to je pomembno! Ter
rdeče uhane v obliki cveta! Kot blage priprave na morje in dopust.
Življenje te ljubi!
Ljubi z vsem srcem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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