my Beloved!
We create our space and time when we can
really be in peace. Then everything is processed inside us. All this experience
throughout the day, than I calm down to get back in touch with me again. We
collect all the impressions. We feel it. What do you feel? What do you want? How can you create
it for yourself? What kind of space do you want for yourself?
I’m responsible for myself. We expect others
to give us what is our own job. It is important to hear your own inner word. We
were not seen and heard often. First, it's time to give it all to ourselves.
And everything else we need.
leads me to the colorfulness of who I am.
I love who I am. I know. How would you make the journey, the life
that you love?
Wait. Before I move on. How can I really create life today, as I
really want? I'm a artist. I'm a
writer. That's what I want to do more. Me. It's like I am. Love for myself is
also that I do what pleases me. I'm waiting for this to become even more nested
in me. I'm authentic. I’m exactly who I am.
I'm all that I am. I am still creating. I'm
still getting there. I’m becoming me. And. I already am everything. I
can never do enough to feel enough. First, I want to feel enough. I'm the only
one who makes this decision. I'm the only one who decides. I'm good enough. now
I'm determined.
preparing a nest for myself.
The ice cold river flows. Such pastels are
also colors. Everything in the lemon yellow green. I know. I'm growing. In juicy sunshine colors. I love it!!!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...

P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Sočne sončne barve...
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Ustvarjamo svoj prostor in čas, ko smo res lahko v
miru. Takrat se vse procesira v nas. Vse to doživljanje čez dan, da sem
umirimo, da se spet povežemo s sabo. Zberemo vse vtise. Se začutimo. Kaj čutim? Kaj si
želim? Kako si lahko to ustvarjam zase? Kakšen prostor si
želim zase?
sem odgovorna zase. Od drugih pričakujemo, da nam dajo to, kar je naše delo. Sebe, svojo notranjost je najprej
pomembno slišati. Velikokrat nismo bili videni in slišani. Najprej je
čas, da damo to sebi. Pa še vse kaj drugega, kar rabimo.
Vodi me pisanost
tega, kar sem. Rada sem to, kdo sem. vem. Kako bi si ustvarila pot,
življenje, da bi meni bilo všeč?
Čakaj. Prej ko odbrzim dalje. Kako si res lahko danes ustvarjam
življenje, kot si res želim? Sem slikarka. Sem
pisateljica. To si želim, še več ustvarjati. Sebe. Taka kot sem.
Ljubezen do sebe je
tudi to, da delam to, kar me veseli. Čakam,
da se to še bolj ugnezdi v meni. Jaz sem pristnost. Jaz sem točno to, kar sem.
sem vse, kar sem. Še nastajam. Še postajam. Ampak še zdaj sem vseeno dovolj. Že
zdaj sem vse. Nikoli ne morem narediti dovolj, da se počutim dovolj. Najprej se
želim počutiti dovolj. O tem samo jaz odločam. Samo jaz odločam. Dovolj sem. Zdaj
sem odločena.
Pripravljam gnezdo zase.
Ledeno mrzla reka
teče. Take pastelne so tudi barve. Vse v limona rumeno zelenem. Vem. Dozorevam.
Rastem. V
sočne sončne barve. Obožujem!!!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar
ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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