my Beloved!
I live a happier life. Enough of delay. We follow our heart
and walk in its path. Today! Now!
Stop for a minute, appreciate your life and smile.
Lovely day shining full of adventures!
Life loves you. Are you feeling? I feel...
want to live more and more heartily.
That's my mission, my path. Because of the birthday, it my life hasn’t
changed drastically. It is true, I only want to express myself in all areas
more. I love my life.
I appreciate the tiny moments that we take for
each other. I appreciate it. I appreciate the conversations that are from the
heart. Depths. Expression.
Authenticity. Creativity.
I want more of this.
I love colors. As it is not at all obvious.
All colors are mixed. Shining! I love the hot pink and red! But if they are
together, it is pure
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Čista popolnost!!!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Danes živim bolj srečno življenje. Dovolj odlašanja. Sledimo svojemu srcu in
hodimo po njegovi poti. Danes! Zdaj!
Ustavi se za
minuto, ceni svoje življenje in
se nasmehni.
Ljubek sijoč
dan poln dogodivščin!
Življenje te ljubi. Čutiš? Čutim..
Vedno bolj srčno si
želim živeti. To je tako moje poslanstvo, moja
pot. Kaj pa se je zdaj zaradi rojstnega dneva drastično spremenilo, pa ne vem.
Res je, samo bolj si želim izraziti sebe na vseh področjih. Rada imam svoje
drobne trenutke, ki si jih vzamemo drug za drugega. To cenim. Cenim pogovore,
ki so iz srca. Globine. Izraznost.
Pristnost. Ustvarjalnost.
Tega si želim več.
imam barve. Kot da sploh ni očitno. Vse barve so pomešane. Sijoče! Sploh pa obožujem
živo roza in rdečo! Če
pa sta skupaj, pa je tako popolnost!!!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink
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