Hi my Beloved!
I give the day today
the opportunity to be the most beautiful so far! Divine! This is so beautifully
written! You're
my best and favorite day so far!!!
I love the poetic days. Lovely, it
smiles at me in the morning. The sun invites me from the nests of blankets and
pillows. It invites me to create this wonderful day.
The kindness flows
through me. I was always friendly. I've always been more optimistic. I've
always looked at my life more easily. This is me.
They wanted me to
change me, that it was not appropriate. I know. Others are different. In this
lies our beauty. Now, it's my time to be all that I am in full. Luxury.
There is nothing
better than a little sun! Autumn is approaching. That's why I appreciate the
sunny days. It's not even better than a dress with flowers! Flops! I appreciate
the lightness of the clothes. Now coffee!!!
Love with all your
heart! Love! Love! Love!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful red day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Ljubki dnevi...
Hej moje drage, moji
dajem priložnost danes, da je najlepši do zdaj! Božansko! Kako pa je to lepo
napisano. Ti si moj najlepši
in najljubši dan do zdaj!!!
Rada imam poetičnost dni. Ljubko
se mi nasmehnejo že zjutraj. Sonce me vabi iz gnezda odeje in blazin. Vabi me k
ustvarjanju tega čudovitega dneva.
se preliva skozi mene. Vedno sem bila prijazna. Vedno sem bila bolj optimiska.
Vedno sem na življenje gledala bolj lahkotno. To sem jaz.
so me želeli spreminjati, da ni primerno. Vem. Drugi so drugačni. V tem je
našla lepota. Zdaj
pa je moj čas, da sem lahko vse, kar sem v polnosti. Razkošje.
Nič ni lepšega kot še
malo sonca! Jesen se približuje. Zato še bolj cenim sončne dneve. NIč ni
lepšega kot obleka z rožami! Natikači! Cenim lahkotnost oblačil. Zdaj pa na
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar
ste! Zabavajte
Bodite sočni, od znotraj
P.S.: Bodite kar ste.
Ljubite! Uživajte slasten dan!
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