ponedeljek, 11. junij 2018

K A T E J A : Precious!

Hi my Beloved!

In reality, it is important that we feel fear and move forward anyway. Just like that. What can I do? I don’t even know if this makes sense. The point is, however, that now we can go forward.

What does that mean at all in my life? What does it mean to go on for me?

Some playfulness is in the air. Maybe spring?! Or mischief... isn’t it perfect? All together. Growth through everything that we are and what we are becoming. Realizing yourself through the hints of the soul. Or the universe. Or the all. Or internal knowing.

I know that I’m more than just physical. I know. When I listen to that inner voice. Tips. Directions. Hints. Something is getting bigger. The purpose is only to calm down as much as possible so that I can really hear it. That I don’t translate chaos from outside or inside. I just harmonize with my nature and everything runs smoothly. Or at least in the desired direction.

This is what nature gives me. Walking. Painting. Writing.

Every day is precious. Every day is valuable. And every day, when I let my drama be my boss, it's lost. I'm the boss of my life. I'm the boss of myself. I'm a creator.

Green color is the color of expression. Art. At least for me. I love it! Sometimes it's so easy to put on something together. Just the same color family! A perfect combination. Materials are also important. Airborne. Natural. Everything breathes. The skin has breathing space.

Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Dragocenost!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

V resnici pa je pomembno, da čutimo strah in da gremo naprej. Kar tako. Kar lahko. Sploh ne vem, če ima to smisel. Bistvo pa je, da zdaj pa zmoremo iti naprej.
Kaj pa to sploh pomeni v mojem življenju? Kaj pomeni iti naprej zame?

Neka igrivost je v zraku. Mogoče pomladna?! Ali nagajivost… kaj ni popolno? Vse skupaj. Rast skozi vse, kar smo in kar postajamo. Uresničevanje sebe skozi namige duše. Ali vesolja. Ali univerzuma. Ali notranjega vedenja.

Vem, da sem več kot le to fizično. Vem. Ko poslušam tisti notranji glasek. Namige. Usmeritve. Prebliske. Kar nekam vse bolj steče. Namen je samo čim več se umiriti, da res lahko slišim. Da ne prevajam kaosa od zunaj ali od znotraj. Samo uskladim se s svojo naravo in vse teče gladko. Ali vsaj v zaželeno smer.

To pa meni daje narava. Sprehodi. Slikanje. Pisanje.

Vsak dan je dragocen. Čisto vsak dan je dragocen. In vsak dan, ko pustim, da je drama moja šefica, je izgubljen. Jaz sem šefica svojega življenja. Jaz sem šefica sebe. Jaz sem kreatorka.

Zelena barva je barva izraznosti. Umetnosti. Vsaj zame. Rada jo imam! Včasih je tako enostavno obleči kaj skupaj. Samo enaka barvna družina! Popolna kombinacija. Pomembni pa so tudi materiali. Zračni. Naravni. Vse diha. Koži daje prostor dihati.

Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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