petek, 13. april 2018

K A T E J A : Like the sun!!!

Hi my Beloved!

I do not believe that happiness comes from outside. Things make me happy for a short time. They fill a gap in me, or something unresolved. Probably. I do not know. I know, however, that happiness comes from within.

Even if you just say that today is my happiest day until now, I feel completely different. What if I do all things with my heart? With pleasure.

What do I even want to do?

At what my heart rejoice?

What I am so pleased to be able to work all the time?

I want to live authentic. From inside out. I listen to my heart.

Today my heart wants a bath. Painting. Walking. Photographing. Enjoying coffee.

Sometimes it's good to have a day without plans. Just like that. And even if I'm invited to a coffee, it's a plan. And enjoyment and pampering is a plan. Designing nothing through nothing. Essence is my luxury! Today I live in fullness. I have a good time. Let it stay this way.

But what about that I believe a tiger is a classic pattern... I'm not sure it's a tiger. It can be leopards.

I looked for highest heels in a closet. So for elegance... Everything matches color. Maybe even too much?! Neutral cream on shoes, on the skirt, on a sweater... By the way, it's not wonderful? I was looking for it for a long time. They did not have my size... then we found ourselves. What is fate - is fate. Love. I love it!

Life loves you!

Love with all your heart!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Kot sonce!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Ne verjamem, da sreča prihaja od zunaj. Stvari me osrečijo za kratek čas. Zapolnijo neko praznino v meni, ali kaj nerešenega. Verjetno. Ne vem. Vem, pa, da sreča prihaja od znotraj. 
Že če si samo rečem, da je danes moj najsrečnejši dan do zdaj, se počutim čisto drugače. Kaj šele, če delam vse stvari s srcem. Z užitkom. 
Kaj si sploh želim delati?
Ob čem moje srce zaigra?
Kaj me tako veseli, da bi lahko delala neprestano?
Želim si živeti pristno. Od znotraj navzven. Poslušam svoje srce. 
Danes si moje srce želi kopeli. Slikanja. Sprehoda. Fotografiranja. Užitke ob kavi.

Včasih je dobro imeti dan brez planov. Kar tako. In že če se povabim na kavo, je to plan. In uživanje in razvajanje je plan. Oblikovanje nič skozi nič. Bistvo je to moj luksuz! Danes živim v polnosti. Lepo se imam. Naj tako ostane.

Kaj pa to, ko verjamem, da je tigrast vzorec klasika... Nisem prepričana, da je tiger. Lahko je leopardji.

Poiskala sem najvišje petke, kar jih imam v omari. Tako za eleganco... Vse se ujema po barvah. Mogoče celo preveč? Nevtralno krem na čevljih, na krilu, na puloverju... Mimogrede, kaj ni čudovit? Dolgo sem ga iskala. Niso imeli moje številke... potem pa sva se našla. Kar je usoda, je usoda. Ljubezen. Obožujem ga!

Življenje te ljubi!

Ljubi z vsem srcem!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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