sreda, 11. april 2018

K A T E J A : Blossom...

Hi my Beloved!

Nature always opens my heart. I'm just walking. I feel all this luxury of greenery, the river, the vastness of the sky and the white fluffy clouds on it. I understand everything. Everything is clear my head. The power of love brings together me as a drop of glittering sun in the grass. Perfection. Exception.


All is well. Everything is perfect. All the universe stands at my side. All the universe blows into my sail of authenticity. Have I already opened them? Still insisting on a tireless effort? Why? It can also be done easily. What do you want for yourself?

What are the sweetness in my life?

What is that pinch of salt that gives my life a real taste?

It's more my way, that it is more authentic?

What did I create from myself, from inside out?

Follow your bliss. Joseph Campbell

It couldn’t be said better. And that's a privilege. Why do not you live it? Today! There is enough delay. Enough. I can.

My sweetness is definitely painting and writing. Dance too. Photographing. Walking by the river. Drinking so good coffee as it is today. With cream. In the biggest cup I have! Very slowly. Enjoying sunrise. Sunset. Stars.

This tree flourished in all its splendor. Perfection. I dressed in the spring pastel colors. For freshness. Lightness. Light yellow color prevails.

But, it's not too gentle, I added red shoes. (They are complemented by large red roses on the skirt, they add little playfulness ...) This is also perfection. So shoes (Peko) can be worn like slippers. It's no better than walking in the carpet of flower petals. Under the almond tree. I can’t wait that they are going to open the cafe under this beautiful blooming tree. Just a little bit...

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Cveti…

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Narava mi vedno odpira srce. Samo sprehodim se. Občutim vso to razkošje zelenja, reke, prostranost neba in belih puhastih oblakov na njem. Vse mi je jasno. Vse se mi zbistri v glavi. Zbere se v meni moč ljubezni kot kapljica lesketajoča v soncu na travi. Popolnost. Izjemnost.
Vse je dobro. Vse je popolno. Vse vesolje mi stoji ob strani. Vse vesolje piha v moja jadra pristnosti. Sem jih že razprla? Še vedno vztrajam v neumornem trudu? Zakaj? Lahko gre tudi zlahka. Kaj si želim zase? 

Kaj pa so sladkosti v mojem življenju?
Kaj je tisti ščepec soli, ki daje mojemu življenju pravi okus?
Da je bolj po moje, da je bolj pristno?
Kaj sem ustvarila iz sebe, od znotraj navzven
Sledi svojemu sijaju. Joseph Campbell
Lepše ne bi moglo biti povedano. In to je privilegij. Zakaj ga ne bi živela? Kar danes! Dovolj je odlašanja. Dovolj je. Lahko sem.
Moje rozine so definitivno slikanje in pisanje. Tudi ples. Fotografiranje. Sprehodi ob reki. Pitje tako dobre kavice, kot jo danes. S smetano. V največji skodelici, kar jo imam! Čisto počasi. Opazovanje sončnega vzhoda. Zahoda. Zvezd.

To drevo se je razcvetelo v vsem svojem sijaju. Popolnost. Oblekla sem se v spomladanske pastelne barve. Za svežino. Lahkotnost. Svetlo rumena barva prevladuje.

Ampak, da ni preveč nežno, sem dodala rdeče čevlje. (Dopolnjujejo se z velikimi rdečimi rožami na krilu. Dodajo malo igrivosti...) To pa je tudi popolnosti. Tako lahko so za nositi kot copatki (Peko). Ni lepšega kot hoditi po tepihu cvetnih lističev. Pod mandljevim drevesom. Komaj čakam, da odprejo kavarno pod tem čudovitim cvetočim drevesom. Še malo...

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!

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