petek, 27. april 2018

K A T E J A : Colors!

Hi my Beloved!

Amazingly interesting is the variety of people. We are so diverse and so similar. We all want to be happy. Everyone wants full of laughter and relaxation. Acceptance. Be seen.

I love good conversations. Sometimes it's full of words. Sometimes there are only situations that connect. Laughter. Relaxation. I love people. I love being in the company.

I also like time for myself. I love the days when I'm out of the program. What can I lose my beloved city. I don’t need to watch the clock. I'm just here. I listen to my body when it wants to eat or drink. Walk or just enjoy the sun. Sink the sun. I just want to be. There. In this moment.

Yesterday was the best day so far. How much playfulness. How much joy. How much laughter. Fun. I like so easy days. Like a holiday on a normal day. Nothing special. No rituals. But that's why it was something special.

It started with my favorite part. Ice cream. Blueberry with cream. And finished. With a hazel. Sometimes it has to be exaggerated. Just like that. Because you can.

Do I look forward to my life? Do I create a wonderful, beautiful life? Is my life a joyful journey?

Can it be even more colorful? Spring is here! Full of blooming flowers all around. My skirt is so colourful. All the most beautiful colors are gathered on it.

Of course, I had to add a shiny orange. (Since there are never too many colors! And necklace ... pink shades.)

Shoes are darker. No. All black. But still nice to this colourful outfit.

Love with all your heart! Love! Love! Love!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Pisanost!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Neverjetno zanimiva mi je pestrost ljudi. Tako smo raznoliki in tako podobni. Vsi si želimo biti srečni. Vsak si želi polno smeha in sproščenosti. Sprejetosti. Videnosti.

Obožujem dobre pogovore. Včasih je kar polno besed. Včasih so samo situacije, ki povezujejo. Smeh. Sproščenost. Rada imam ljudi. Rada sem v družbi.

Rada pa ima tudi čas zase. Obožujem dni, ko sem brez programa. Kar izgubim se lahko po mojem ljubem mestu. Ne rabim gledati na uro. Samo sem. Poslušam svoje telo, kdaj si želi kaj jesti ali piti. Se sprehajati ali samo uživati na soncu. Vpijati sončne žarke. Želim si samo biti. Tam. V tem trenutku.

Včeraj mi je bil najlepši dan do zdaj. Koliko igrivosti. Koliko veselja. Koliko smeha. Zabavnosti. Rada imam tako lahkotne dneve. Kot praznik na običajen dan. Nič posebnega. Brez ritualov. Ampak ravno zato je bil nekaj posebnega.

Začel se je z mojim najljubšim delom. Sladoledom. Borovnica s smetano. In končal. Z lešnikom. Včasih je treba pretiravati. Samo tako. Ker lahko.

Se veselim mojega življenja? Si ustvarjam čudovito lepo življenje? Je moje življenje radostno potovanje?

Še je lahko bolj barvito? Pomlad je tukaj! Polno cvetečih rožic vsenaokoli. Tako je pisano to moje krilo. Vse najlepše barve so zbrane na njem.

Seveda sem morala dodati še sijočo oranžno. (Ker nikoli ni preveč barv! In verižico... v pinki odtenkih.)

Čevlji so bolj temni. No. Čisto črni. Ampak vseeno lepo pristajajo pisanosti.

Ljubi z vsem srcem! Ljubezen! Ljubezen!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten dan!

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