sreda, 25. april 2018

K A T E J A : By the river of love...

Hi my Beloved!

There is something magical in these medieval cities. I walked along the paths from round-shaped river stones to the castle. 

On the wall, beautiful gentle purple flowers rose from the cracks. No one has ever told them that there is a land. Full of earth, where everything has an abundance and can even bloom better. No! The perfect ones were there because they are. They grow! They grow exactly where they are! Not only do they grow, they even bloom! In all its beauty!!

Today, this day brought me such a luxury! Abundance. Like rain! There are always more drops. And that in good terms! Of course it started with a morning coffee. I put on my favorite shirt. (Vivid yellow with the inscription LOVE ... without any further explanations ...)

This is what is meant by rain. It starts with a little drop of good. Then it rains. More and more. Until it rains the pangs of pampering! Pure pleasure! I dance in the rain of the delights that I adore!

This rain is meant as a summer hot storm. The drops gently kiss me with their hot lips. I just let it last!

I know. I'm a researcher. By the soul. I do not know why I made a mistake right here. Researcher after drought. Neither does this seem like a dry period. I feel awakened in winter. Everything is in the making. Underground. They grow their roots, they get bigger. It is time for greenery to appear on the ground. I'm blooming. The poem is created within me. I'm becoming a song. More and more expressive and genuine. Poetry.

I let the sun rays warm me. I’m fully involved. Like a flower that opens to the bees to collect honey. Inspiration. That's it. Happiness. Today I am. I'm just here.

Sometimes I decide quickly. In a second. I'm going! I’m drawn towards walks; sunsets, enjoying a cup of coffee. It was so here. I dressed as fast as I could. Light. Comfortable.

Gray jeans. Lightweight blouse. And of course, my lovely “tiger” shoes. Or more leopards. Also light as a fluffy feather. I put on my blazer over. Just because it's colder when the sun goes down. Common to all is a bit of a gray silver. For the diversity, I added animal patterns to the T-shirt and shoes. This also connects everything...

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Pri reki ljubezni…

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Nekaj čarobnega je v teh srednjeveških mestih. Sprehajala sem se po poteh iz okroglastih rečnih kamnov do gradu. Na zidu so iz razpok rastle tako lepe nežno vijolične rožice. Njim sigurno ni nihče ni povedal, da obstaja zemlja. Polno zemlje, kjer imajo vsega na pretek in lahko še lepše cvetijo. Ne! Popolne so bile tam, ker so. Rastejo! Rastejo točno tam, kjer so! Ne samo, da rastejo, celo cvetijo! V vsej svoji lepoti!

Danes mi je dan prinesel tako razkošje! Obilnost. Tako kot dežja! Vedno je še več kapljic. In to v dobrem smislu! Začelo se je seveda z jutranjo kavo. Moja najljubšo majico sem se zavila. (Živo rumene barve z napisom LOVE… brez nadaljnjih pojasnil…)

To z dežjem je mišljeno tako. Začne se z malo kapljico dobrega. Potem pa kar dežuje. Vedno bolj in bolj. Dokler se ne usipa ploha razvajanja! Čisti užitek! Kar plešem v dežju dobrot, ki jih obožujem!
Ta dež je mišljen kot poletna topla nevihta. Kaplje me nežno poljubljajo s svojimi vročimi ustnicami. Samo pustim, da traja!

Vem. Raziskovalka sem. Po duši. Ne vem, zakaj sem se zatipkala ravno tukaj. Raziskovalka po suši. Niti se mi ne zdi tako sušno obdobje. Počutim se prebujena po zimi. Vse je v nastajanju. Pod zemljo. Rastejo korenine, se debelijo. Čas je, da se pokaže zelenje nad zemljo. Cvetim. Pesem nastaja v meni. Pesem postajam. Vedno bolj izrazna in pristna. Poezija.

Pustim sončnim žarkom, da me grejejo. Razpiram se v celoti. Kot cvet, ki se odpre čebelam, da nabirajo med. Navdih. To sem. Sreča. Srečnost. Danes sem to. Samo sem.

Včasih se kar hitro odločim. V sekundi. Grem! Vlečejo me mesta za sprehode; sončni zahodi, uživanje ob kavi. Tako je bilo tukaj. Oblekla sem se kakor hitro sem se mogla. Zračno. Udobno.

Sive kavbojke. Lahkotna bluza. In seveda moji ljubki tigrasti čevlji. Ali bolj leopardji. Tudi lahki kot puhasto pero. Čez sem si še oblekla sako. Samo zato, ker je hladneje, ko sonce zaide. Skupno vsem je nekaj sivo srebrnega. Za pestrost pa sem dodala živalske vzorce na majici in čevljih. To tudi vse povezuje...

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!

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