ponedeljek, 26. marec 2018

K A T E J A : Wild!

Hi my Beloved!

What about the spring of my life? Does it already spread?


I have such a beautiful life. This is my best life yet. I'm immensely satisfied. I have a wonderful comfortable home. A bedroom with a huge bed where I sleep like an angel. I'm creating. 

I’m at home in a city that is lovely, domestic. It’s quite cute. I appreciate that I have everything so close. Coffee shops. Shops. Of course essential... The car that I have, the freedom of movement also on long runs. I like here as I am. I have an invaluable family. Friends.

But I have to admit something. I'm amazingly enjoying good food. Today I've made such a good breakfast. Divine. If that's how the day starts, then nothing can go wrong.

Every day is like holiday somehow! A gift! We got new twenty-four hours to take advantage of them. Not in the sense of squeezing, but using them the best we can. With something creative. Smiling.

Spending time with family... (I also do not in the sense of: “We are going to survive! And then we drag ourselves through the day with no energy! No, it's not so bad! It's not a bare survival! It’s pure pleasure to be with others in fullness. Accepting them in fullness and being with them in the fullness of what you are. This is a pleasure!)

It’s a lot of ways, which are dear to me... It's full of opportunities that these twenty-four hours are the most beautiful until now.

Here is the comfort first. And this comfort is printed with animal patterns. Tennis shoes. Soft as melted butter. Leggings ... more comfort ... and a sweater dress pink color. Wild… Smooth and spiced with a white coat. Lovely. Simple. It's just right to ride a bike around the city. Nevertheless, chic.

Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Divje!

Hej moje drage, dragi!

Kaj pa pomlad v mojem življenju? Se že kaj širi?
Imam tako lepo življenje. Tako lepo mi še sploh ni šlo. Neznansko sem zadovoljna. Imam čudovit udoben dom. Spalnico z ogromno posteljo, kjer spim kot angelček. Ustvarjam. 
Doma sem v mestu, ki mi je ljubko, domače. Zlezlo mi je pod kožo. Cenim, da imam vse tako blizu. Kavarnice. Trgovine. Seveda bistveno. Avto, da imam svobodo gibanja tudi na dolge proge. Rada sem tukaj kot sem. Imam neprecenljivo družino. Prijatelje.
Nekaj pa moram priznati. Neverjetno uživam v dobri hrani. Danes sem si naredila tako dober zajtrk. Božansko. Če se mi že dan tako začne, potem ne more iti nič narobe.
Vsak dan je po svoje praznik! Darilo! Dobili smo novih štiriindvajset ur, da jih izkoristimo. Ne v smislu izžamemo, ampak jih izkoristimo najbolje, kar lahko. S čim ustvarjalnim. Nasmehom.
Preživljanje časa z družino… (Tudi tu ne mislim dobesedno preživljanje. V smislu: Gremo se, kdo preživi! In se potem vlečemo skozi dan kot ožete »cunje«! Ne, tako hudo pa spet ni! Ne gre za golo preživetje! Gre za čisti užitek biti z drugimi v polnosti. Sprejemanje v polnosti in biti z njimi v polnosti tega, kar si. To pa je užitek!)
Polno je načinov, ki so mi ljubi. Polno je priložnosti, da je teh štiriindvajset ur najlepših do zdaj.
Tukaj je najprej udobje. In to udobje je potiskano s živalskimi vzorci. Tenis copati. Mehki kot stopljeno maslo. Pajkice... še več udobja... In pulover obleka nežno roza barve. Divje! Lahkotno in začinjeno z belim plaščkom. Ljubko. Enostavno. Ravno prav za vožnjo s kolesom po mestu. Vseeno pa šik.

Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

-Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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