sreda, 21. februar 2018

K A TE J A : Echo of Valentines day...

Hi my Beloved!

What is today that beautifies my day? Does it give extra value? I do not say that there must be a lot. Only small things that make me happy and this fills my soul. What makes me happy? Reading a good book. That could be the case. 

My purpose in life is that I am as much me as possible. More authentic. Unique.

Today is the day I can do it in my own way ...

Today love yourself! Gently with you! With a feeling!

The weather is perfect for walks. And snowball fight. And for enjoying at home, sitting on sofa and drinking coffee. Watching snow through the window. To read a good book. I'll report tomorrow about one. I'm very excited. I can’t wait to read it ... Wild! About the biscuit. But biscuits! Required reading!

How great is it when I'm free (I have day off!). I really take time for long walks. A little "flying" over the shops. And a delicious coffee experience. I leave my free time without watching on watch. How long I want to be in one place, I am. And then I move forward. Then I greeted my warm home and hundreds of fish. Or even more!!! (Oh, they're not my... fish. They're their own.)

Have you had a delicious Valentines day? Off course red is the color of love. I wear red boots with height heals. A jumper and a dress under in red.  Just a little bit of white and black for balance. And freshness. And contrast. All three colors are basic, but together they look amazing! Awesome! Like love…

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful red day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Odmev Valentinovega…

Hej moji dragi!

Kaj je danes tisto, kar mi polepša dan? Mu da dodatno vrednost? Saj ne rečem, da mora biti veliko. Samo majhne stvari, ki me osrečijo in to mi napolni dušo na polno. Kaj me osreči? Branje dobre knjige. To bi tudi bilo.

Moj namen v življenju je, da sem čimbolj to, kar sem. Čimbolj pristna. Avtentična.

Danes je tak dan, ko si ga lahko naredim čisto po svoje…

Danes pa se imejte radi! Nežno s sabo! Z občutkom!

Vreme je popolno za sprehode. In kepanje. In za uživanje doma na sedežni ob kavi. Opazovanju sneženja skozi okno. Za branje dobre knjige. Poročam jutri o eni. Zelo sem navdušena. Komaj čakam, da jo berem naprej… Divja! O keksu. Ali keksih! Obvezno branje!

Kako je super, ko imam prosto. Takrat si res vzamem čas za dolge sprehode. Malo »letanja« po trgovinah in užitek ob kavi. Času pustim proste roke. Kako dolgo mi je za kje za biti, tako dolgo sem. Potem pa me pričaka topel dom in mojih sto ribic. Če še jih ni več! (Aja, niso moje… ribice. Samosvoje so.)

Ste imeli radostn Valentinovo? Seveda je rdeča barva ljubezni. Imam oblute rdeče škorenjčke s peto. Pullover in obleko v rdečem. Ščepec bele in črne za ravnovesje. In svežino. In kontrast. Vse tri barve so klasične, skupaj pa so neverjetne! Super! Kot ljubezen…

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten rdeč dan!

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