ponedeljek, 12. februar 2018

K A T E J A : Together? Perfect!

Hi my Beloved!

Today, I learn to appreciate myself as I am. In the fullness. Without a story. (Which is already over.)
And it does not affect me. I live alone. With my son. We understand very well with the father of my son. That's enough. And quite enough.

I’m not inferior because of this. I’m whole human for myself. I’m all just the way I am!

It was not meant that I was born incomplete until I met the soulmate. I'm complete. I can sleep alone. I can eat alone. I can enjoy in a coffee. I can enjoy traveling alone. I can enjoy painting. At the exhibition. At the literary evening. I can dance alone.

None of this is a shame. No. I can do it all by myself. Of course, it's more fun if anybody is an accomplice. And I believe he will join me. At the right time. We are perfect for each other!

Today, I celebrate my perfection. I'm a whole person for myself. What a wisdom! Shocking. Get over it! Let's go! Toward happiness. Or at least a better feeling.

That obviously mean a walk by the river. Lines and the checkered pattern. All together!? Of course! It’s the same color! Can’t you see it? It fits perfectly together!!!

We have snow. (So I was wearing over the knee boots.) That just fine. It’s winter. But today is snowing even more. I was lucky. I caught snow and the sun together yesterday! I was sitting by the river with my eyes closed. I enjoyed the rays of the sun. Glittering of the river and swans that swam past... Perfection!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!

SLO: K A T E J A : Skupaj? Popolnost!

Hej moji dragi!

Danes se učim ceniti sebe, kot sem. V polnosti. Brez neke zgodbe. (Ki je že tako konec.) In nima name vpliva. Sama živim. S sinom. Dobro se razumemo tudi z očetom mojega sina. To pa je tudi dovolj. In čisto dovolj.

Nisem zaradi tega manjvredna. Sama zase sem čisto cel človek. Čisto vsa sem točno taka kot sem.

Ni bilo mišljeno, da sem rojena nepopolna, dokler ne spoznam sorodno dušo. Ne, sama zase sem cel človek. Lahko sama spim. Lahko sama jem. Lahko sama uživam v kavi. Lahko sama uživam v potovanjih. Lahko sama uživam v slikanju. Na razstavi. Na literarnem večeru. Lahko sama plešem.

Nič od tega ni sramota. Ne. Vse lahko sama. Seveda pa je bolj zabavno, če je kdo sokrivec. In verjamem, da se mi bo pridružil. Ob pravem času. Popolna sva eden za drugega!

Danes pa praznujem mojo popolnost. Jaz zase sem cel človek. Kake ugotovitve! Pretresljivo. Preboli že! Gremo dalje! Sreči na proti. Ali vsaj boljšemu počutju.

To očitno pomeni sprehod ob reki. Črte in karirast vzorec. Oboje skupaj!? Seveda! Barva je enaka. Kaj ne vidite! Popolnoma spadata skupaj!!!

Imamo sneg. (Zato imam obute čevlje preko kolen.) Tudi tako je vredu. Saj je zima. Danes še bolj sneži. Imela sem srečo. Ujela sem sneg in sonce skupaj včeraj. Sedela sem ob reki z zaprtimi očmi. Uživala sem ob sončnih žarkih. Svetlikanju reke in labodih, ki sta plavala mimo… Popolnost!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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