Hi my Beloved!
started sweet early in the morning. Sometimes
sneak some day. Unannounced. In the middle of everything. That's right.
Surprise. It’s like it would be Sunday midweek. Or something like that.
Holidays without an official holiday.
And this early in the morning was meant at
half past twelve. Somewhere. Maybe a couple of seconds before. I could sleep
for a long time.
Love is in the air! Literally everywhere! Can you feel
the magic!?
Today it's free day for me. I just enjoy it
and that's it. Do I have a sense of guilt? No, not by chance! The more I
relax and the more I enjoy, the more I fall in love with life. Then
I able to share all love further.
Today is such a day when there is nothing to
be done. Just if I want to. Just nothing! I do not have to! Because I do not
need it! And
this is always a blessing for the soul!
I'm just here. Relaxed. In the warmth of the
house. And I want to take a walk, watch a good movie. That's it. Little tiny
things that are precious to me. Why
do not fill the days with this?!
I have a choice. And today I choose what makes me happy. The
color in the painting dries up. It was so good to play with colorfulness. That
to me is such a joy! Also colors in the dressing. I know. Monochrome tones are
not for me! Everything has at least a pinch of paint! To revive. Refresh! Then
it is alive! At least a bit! Uh, monochrome is so boring! I love the colors!
The rest seems so inexpressible ... I love bright pink! And shoes! And the
bath! And sipping coffee quite slowly! Uh, that's it! And writing!
I'm in full gear. Yes! A cap with biggest pom
pom ever! A warm coat! Boots with full heel! A scarf! It's winter! It’s very cold!
I'm dressed like a northern bear. (But
still not enough! (Are the bears even dressed!?!)) A turtle neck. Leggings.
Double. Dark red. A lovely T-shirt in dark red with printed large roses. It was
a gift. Surprise... Exterior... Everything is in dark blue. Also a lovely
little purse that is adorned with ribbon. This is the connecting element
between dark blue and red because it has exactly such lines up!
Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
J A : Največji cof!
Hej moje drage, dragi!
Že navsezgodaj zjutraj sem začela sladko. Včasih se prikrade kakšen
dan. Nenapovedano. Sredi vsega. Čisto tako. Presenečenje. Kot bi bila nedelja
sredi tedna. Ali nekaj takega. Praznik brez uradnega praznika.
In to zgodaj zjutraj je mišljeno ob pol
dvanajstih. Nekje. Mogoče par sekund prej. Lahko sem dolgo spala.
Ljubezen je v zraku! Dobesedno vsepovsod! Čutiš
Danes je zame prosto.
Samo uživam in to je to. Imam slučajno občutek krivde? Ne, niti slučajno! Bolj kot sem sproščena in bolj
kot uživam, bolj se zasipam z ljubeznijo. Potem jo komaj lahko delim naprej.
Danes pa je taki dan,
ko ni nič treba narediti. Samo če želim. Čisto nič! Nič ni moram! Ker ne rabim!
In to je vedno
pravi blagor za dušo!
Samo sem. Sproščena.
V toplini doma. In želim si na sprehod, pogledati dober film. To je to. Majhne drobne stvari, ki so meni
ljube. Zakaj pa si ne bi zapolnila dni s
Imam na izbiro. In danes izbiram to, kar me
osrečuje. Barva na sliki se še
suši. Tako dobro se je bilo igrati s pisanostjo. To mi je v tako veselje! Tudi
pri oblačenju. Vem. Monokromatski toni niso zame! Vse kar ima vsaj ščepec
barve! Da poživi. Osveži! Potem vse oživi! Vsaj malo! Uh, enobarvno je tako
dolgočasno! Jaz prav ljubim barve! Ostalo se mi zdi tako neizrazno… Ljubim živo
roza! In čevlje! In kopeli! In srkanje kave čisto počasi! Uh, to pa je! in
V polni opremi sem. Da! Kapa! Topel plašček! Škorenjčki
s polno peto! Šal! Zima je! Mrzlo in to zelo! Oblečena sem kot severni medved. (Pa
še premalo! (Kaj so medvedi sploh oblečeni!?)) Puli. Pajkice. Dvojne. Temno rdeče.
Ljubka majica v temno rdečem s potiskanimi velikimi vrnicami. To je bilo
darilo. Presenečenje… Zunanjost… Vse je v temno modrem. Tudi ljubka mala
torbica, ki jo krasi rutka. To je vezni element med temno modro in rdečo, ker
ima točno take črte gor!
Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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