sreda, 28. februar 2018

K A T E J A : Rainbow day...

Hi my Beloved!

There is some movement in Slovenia. Some energy is in the air. Maybe it's all over the Earth! Feeling love for yourself. Developing or emphasizing or reclaiming women's energy, power. We do not need to be a man. We are beautiful and perfect because of our femininity.

I don’t mean that only for women. Men can be themselves too. It’s not about gender. I love to be authentic. And I wish that for everybody! Be happy!

How can I today emphasize my femininity? I'm sure to start with the basics. Nice underwear and makeup. Not really red. But definitely a nice shade. I'm going to dress nicely. How do I feel good? Uh, I have such a beautiful dark blue coat. I'll put that one up! It has such a nice border in front of the artificial leather, which is so beautifully lit. it’s not all about clothing. But it’s a start.

It was so cold! It was so ice-cold! such as the title of the famous song… “Ice! Ice! Baby!”

The heels of my shoes were stuck in the snow. But I love these shoes! They are so good! the whole combination! I love this skirt because it is so playful! Beautiful ruffles in the end emphasize the dance of the fabric. Jumper is like rainbow. How would you not like this?

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful rainbow day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Mavričen dan…

Hej moji dragi!

Neko gibanje v Sloveniji poteka. Neka energija je v zraku. Mogoče pa po vsej Zemlji! Občutenje ljubezni do sebe. Razvijanja ali poudarjanje ali obujanje ženske energije, moči. Ne rabimo biti moški. Lepe in popolne smo točno zaradi svoje ženskosti.

Tega ne mislim samo za ženske. Moški so tudi lahko samosvoji. Ne gre za spol. Rada sem pristna. In to si želim za vse! Bodi srečna! Bodi srečen!

Kako lahko danes poudarjam svojo ženskost? Sigurno bom začela pri osnovah. Lepo spodnje perilo in šminka. Ne ravno rdeča. Ampak definitivno nek lep odtenek. Kaj lepega si bom oblekla. V čem se dobro počutim? Uh, imam tako lep temno moder plašček. Tistega si bom dala gor! Ima tako lepo obrobo spredaj z umetnega usnja, ki se tako lepo sveti. Ne gre samo za oblačila. Ampak je pa začetek…

Bilo je tako mrzlo! Bilo je tako ledeno! Kot gre znana pesem… »Ice! Ice! Baby!”   pete od čevljev so me mi zapikale v sneg. Ampak obožujem te čevlje! tako so dobri! cela kombinacija! To jeans krilo obožujem, ker je tako igrivo! Lepi volančki na koncu poudarijo ples tkanine. Pulover je kot mavrica. Kako ne bi imela rada tega?

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten mavričen dan!

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