my Beloved!
I appreciate those days when I'm just in the
moment. That's my pleasure. Things run more slowly. That's what pleases me too.
I'm slowly drinking coffee. I enjoy breakfast. I drink my green juice.
Meditating. It's already more than a year when I meditate purely every day. It connects me
with my inner nature. Authenticity. Calm down all the fussy thoughts in me. At
least for a bit.
It’s interesting that laughter is a medicine
for everything? The heart becomes more light. It has long been said that laughter
is half of health. Today, I will certainly bring laughter in my day. There is always
something crazy and unpredictable that makes me laugh.
It always happens to me exactly the same. I
don’t know why I'm surprised at the result! I'm making a bath. So, because I
already need it. Then everything changes. The view on the world is different. Soft.
More lighted
and sunny (if there is night too.
And I do not have anything against the night.)
I think that I will have the luxury of the
bath more often. That makes me so happy. This is for my soul, and also for the
body. Today,
I will have an abundance of bath in the sun's rays.
Of course it's windy! It's already a winter
almost! I added two things to the monochromatic gray. Interesting. Unique. Each
one is exceptional! First, pink puffs around my neck! Then, of course,
footwear. Shoes. They are gorgeous!?! They're made for me! Fully!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Prečudoviti!!!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Prav cenim take dneve, ko samo sem. To je moj užitek.
Stvari tečejo bolj v počasnem tonu. To pa mi tudi ugaja. Počasi pijem kavo.
Uživam ob zajtrku. Spila sem moj zeleni sok. Meditirala. Zdaj je že več kot
leto, ko meditiram čisto vsak dan. To
me povezuje z mojo naravo. Pristnostjo. Umiri vse vrveže miselne konice v meni.
Vsaj za malo.
ni zanimivo, da je smeh zdravilo za vse? Srce postane bolj lahkotno. Že davno
so govorili, da je smeh pol zdravja. Danes bom ga sigurno vnesla kaj v svoj
dan. Vedno se mi zgodi
kaj norega in nepredvidljivega, kar me nasmeji.
Vedno se mi
zgodi čisto isto. Ne vem, zakaj sem potem presenečena nad rezultatom! Naredim
si kopel. Tako, ker jo že res rabim. Potem pa se vse spremeni. Ves pogled na
svet je drugačen. Boj mehek. Bolj osvetljen in sončen (če tudi je noč. In nič nimam proti noči.
Seveda piha! Saj je že
koraj zima! Monokromatskemu sivemu sem dodala dve stvari. Zanimivi. Unikatni.
Vsaka zase sta izjemni! Najprej pinki puhec okoli vratu! potem pa še seveda
obutev. Čevlji.
Kaj niso čudoviti?! Čisto zame so narejeni! V celoti!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar
ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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