Hi my Beloved!
What do I really want?
Where does the heart lead me? I know. My heart knows. It’s enough of
dreaming, and it is time to realize it. I would still have a little hesitation.
I know. I can’t wait anymore. What will be different? I will always learn
something. It's so normal. I'll never be finished.
Life is yours?!!! I open my
heart to love, authenticity, uniqueness, which I am ... poetic, colorful. I
inspire others to follow the heart. Each of them creates their life as they
want. The heart is the main compass. That's right! And so it is!
This is my life. I
love all this and it matters to me. I love this moment.
Now is my time. How satisfied
I was! I talked to my friend! We were in a coffeeshop. I enjoyed it so much.
Uh. Lightness in
all respects. Less is more.
It's cold! But still
not critical. What is critical at all? We're not at Everest! The sun is still there!
I just want to get by the lake. The sun so beautifully reflects the shadows of
golden tones. It's
always a good time to walk! I
love this ginormous scarf! Like a blanket keeps me warm!
Life loves you!
Love with all your
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
P.S.S.: Hey, your life
is loving you! Trust! I am
inspired to open my heart. Anyone is inspired o listen to his own heart. We
walk each in our hearts direction.
SLO: K A T E J A : Srčna pot...
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Kaj si v
resnici želim? Kam me vodi srce? Saj vem. Moje srce ve. Dovolj je sanjarjenja in čas je za uresničevanje. Malo bi še kar
oklevala. Vem. Ne morem več čakati. Kaj bo drugače? Vedno se bom učila nekaj.
to je tako normalno. Nikoli ne bom dokončana.
Življenje je tvoje?!!! Odpiram svoje srce ljubezni, pristnosti, edinstvenosti, kar sem…
poetičnosti, barvitosti. Tako sem navdih, da tudi drugi hodijo po srčni poti.
Vsak zase si ustvarja življenje, kot si ga želi. Srce je glavni kompas. Tako
To je moje
življenje. Rada imam vse to in to mi je pomembno. Rada imam ta trenutek.
Zdaj je moj čas. Kako sem zadovoljna, da sem se malo naklepetala. S prijateljico sva bili
na kavi. Uživam.
Uh. Lahkotnost
v vseh pogledih. Manj je več.
Mrzlo je! Ampak vseeno še ne kritično. Kaj
sploh je kritično!? Saj nismo na Everestu! Sonce pa še je! Rada pobegnem kam k
jezeru. Sonce tako lepo odseva sence z zlatih tonih. Vedno je pravi čas za sprehod! Rada
imam ta ogromni šal! Greje me kot koca!
Življenje te ljubi!
Ljubi z vsem srcem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite!
Uživajte slasten pink dan!
P.S.S.: Hej, življenje te ljubi! zaupaj! Sem
navdih, da odprem svoje srce. Vsak, ki išče svojo pot, naj prisluhne svojemu
srcu. Hodimo vsak po svoji srčni poti.
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