ponedeljek, 31. december 2018

K A T E J A : Spiced with tiny diamonds!

Hi my Beloved!

How fable is it to be what I am. Not what I am. Who am I. As the soul. Let me become more fluid for the soul, it flows through me. Let it shine with its light and beauty in fullness. I'm enjoying this.

Today is the most magical day to date! I open up to all the beauties of magic. I'm attracted to them even more in my life! My heart is my compass! That's right!

What pleased me even more, I have time to explore the soul! This is my pure luxury. Me. Silence. Gentle music. Countless fresh writing sheets. Exploring the depths of my soul. Playfulness.  Heartwarming. Love. I like to discover freshness and aliveness in me!

My life is precious! Today! Here! Today is also a time for pampering!

Every day in my life is a happy ending. It's like a fresh movie every day. Unless I give it a repetition, and I repeat it again. Nevertheless, there are always pieces of freshness. A wonderful sunset, which is almost after lunch ... colorfulness and tenderness of colors always fascinate me.

Now, to my favorite color! Not just that! This is the most beautiful piece of clothing I've ever found! Divine! Live hot pink! Spiced with tiny diamonds! Splendor!!!
A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Posuto z drobnimi diamantki!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Kako mi je fajn biti to, kar sem. Ne, kar sem. Kdo sem. Kot duša. Naj postajam vedno bolj pretočna za dušo, se pretaka skozi mene. Naj sije s svojo svetlobo in lepoto v polnosti. Uživam v tem.

Danes je najbolj čaroben dan do zdaj! Odpiram se vsem lepotam čarobnosti. Privlačim jih še bolj v svoje življenje! Srce je moj kompas! Tako je!

Še bolj pa me veseli, da imam čas za raziskovanje duše! To pa mi je čisto razkošje. Jaz. Tišina. Ali nežna glasba. Nešteto prostih listov za pisanje. Raziskovanje globina moje duše. Igrivosti. Srčnosti. Ljubezni. Rada odkrivam svežino in živost v sebi!

Moje življenje je dragoceno! Danes! Tukaj! Danes je tudi čas za razvajanje!

Vsak dan je v mojem življenju srečen konec. Vsak dan je kot nov svež film. Razen če ga ne dam na ponavljanje in ga ponovim znova. Vseeno pa so vedno koščki svežine. Čudovit sončni zahod, ki je že skoraj malo po kosilu… barvitost in nežnost barv me vedno očara.

Zdaj pa k moji najljubši barvi! Pa ne samo to! To pa je najlepši kos oblačila, ki sem ga našla to leto! Božansko! Živo roza barve! Posuto z drobnimi diamantki! Krasota!!!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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