Hi my Beloved!
There are still some things that I wish, I could
eradicated. But
they are needed to define, what do I really want!?! I even know more about my
sweeties. Then the candies are even more delicious.
It's not just that I have to define. I know exactly,
what I would like.
The next step is then to go in direction of my
dreams, what I want more in my life.
Do I dare to happy today, regardless of everything? Where does the path lead
me? Where playfulness leads me today? I
feel that an internal spark is lit, is so cheerfully jumping in flames.
I have a magic stick in my hand. It accomplishes
all my wishes by itself. I am all. I'm enough. I love. I'm beloved. A writer. I
feel I'm getting closer. Everything. That's why I'm not in any hurry. I can
enjoy these beautiful moments. Now. Now I can be happy and I can only trust that everything
will come at the right time. Everything that's going to happen will
happen. It's already going on.
Life loves you!
Love with all your
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
P.S.S.: Hey, your life
is loving you! Trust! I am
inspired to open my heart. Anyone is inspired o listen to his own heart. We
walk each in our hearts direction.
SLO: K A T E J A : Ne glede na vse?
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
So pa vedno
neke stvari, ki pa jih bi zradirala. Ampak so potrebne, da si
še bolj definiram, kaj pa bi rada. Še bolj vem, kaj so moji sladkorčki. Cukerčki
so potem samo še bolj okusni.
Saj ni samo,
da definiram. Točno potem vem, kaj bi rada.
korak pa je potem, da stopam proti temu, kaj bi rada še bolj.
Si upam biti danes srečna ne glede na vse? Kam me vodi pot? Kam me vodi ta igrivost dneva? Čutim, da se prižiga
notranja iskrica, ki tako veselo skače v plamenih.
Maham s to
čarobno palčko. Uresničuje mi vse moje želje kar sama od sebe. Vse sem. dovolj
sem. Ljubim. Ljubljena sem. Pisateljica. Čutim, da je vedno bliže. Vse. Zato se
mi nikamor ne mudi. Lahko uživam v teh lepih trenutkih. Zdaj. Zdaj sem lahko
srečna in lahko samo zaupam, da bo vse prišlo ob pravem času. Vse, kar je
namenjeno, se bo zgodilo. Se že odvija.
Življenje te ljubi!
Ljubi z vsem srcem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite!
Uživajte slasten pink dan!
P.S.S.: Hej, življenje te ljubi! zaupaj! Sem
navdih, da odprem svoje srce. Vsak, ki išče svojo pot, naj prisluhne svojemu
srcu. Hodimo vsak po svoji srčni poti.
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