Hi my Beloved!
Today is your day of accepting
yourself, living through authenticity ... fullness, heartfelt.
Trail of the ship.
It's interesting that this reminded me of my life. How many times do I look too
closely? It has long since disappeared, but I still amazed it with remembrance.
Why? Why am I doing this?
New islands are waiting for me. Just like today literally. Vis.
I give to myself
today, and even in life, a little more pleasure and happiness and nice moments.
I'm worth it. No sense of guilt. I do not need to pay them anyway, or work for
them. Nothing.
I accept them as a gift. So, from the heart.
As for the partner, I trust that right will
come at the right time. But in the meantime I can be extremely happy and genuine.
Then I'm attracting someone like that. What I'm looking for is
looking for me. I know. I trust.
Sometimes the day comes when your hair is
free. And besides, the wind helps them. But I love those days too. Wind in the
hair. I like messy hair. It feels good sometimes!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Tako dobro!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Danes je tvoj
dan sprejemanja sebe, življenja skozi pristnost... polnost,
ladje na morju… Ni zanimivo, da me je to spominjalo na moje življenje.
Kolikokrat preveč gledam v sled? Že davno je izginila, pa še jo obujam s
spominjanjem. Zakaj? Zakaj si to delam?
Čakajo me novi otoki. Tako kot danes dobesedno.
si danes in na sploh v življenju malo več užitka in srečnosti in lepih
trenutkov. Vredna sem jih. Brez občutka krivde. Ne rabim jih nikakor plačati,
se oddolžiti za njih. Nič. Sprejem jih kot darilo.
Tako, iz srca.
Glede partnerja
pa zaupam, da bo prišel pravi ob pravem času. Vmes pa sem lahko neznansko
srečna in pristna. Potem
privlačim nekoga ravno takega. Kar iščem, išče mene. Vem. Zaupam.
Včasih pride dan, ko
lasje živijo svobodo. Zraven pa še jim pomaga veter. Ampak obožujem tudi take
dneve. Veter v laseh. Rada imam razmršene lase. Kdaj prav prija!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!
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