sreda, 10. oktober 2018

K A T E J A : The colors and more colors...

Hi my Beloved!

But it will be an autumn holiday. So, because autumn is also the time to realize dreams. When is not the time to realize dreams?

Do I create a living today, as I want?

I heard so good music in town! I just called to say I love you ... How beautiful song for the soul ...

What is this conspiracy today ?! It all turned in the direction of the autumn wind! Everything wants to surprise me, cheer me up, make me smile, pamper me. Divine!

Sometimes such cute days come. I know exactly what to wear. And of course, I want to combine as many colors as possible. In truth, which colors do not go together !? As long as I feel good, everything is fine.

Here is the main guide - shirt. It has vivid pink flowers, yellow blossoms and gently pink. And the white base. Why not add a little bright yellow? Such colors are tree trunks in the sun. Autumn. My favorite time! I have to mention that the leopard pattern is a classic !!! This goes with everything. Also to the flowers. Animals love nature ...

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Barve in še več barv...

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Bo pa prav prišel jesenski dopust. Tako, ker je jesen tudi čas za uresničevanje sanj. Kdaj pa ni čas za uresničevanje sanj!?

Si ustvarjam danes življenje, kot si ga želim?

Slišala sem tako dobro glasbo v mestu! I just caled to say I love you… Kako lepa pesem za dušo…

Kakšna zarota je to danes?! Vse se je obrnilo v smeri vetrca jeseni! Vse me želi presenetiti, razveseliti, mi pričarati smeh na obraz, me razvajati. Božansko!

Včasih pridejo taki ljubki dnevi. Točno vem, kaj bi si oblekla. In seveda želim skombinirati čimveč barv. Saj v resnici, katere barve pa ne grejo skupaj!? Dokler se počutim dobro, je vse dobro.

Tukaj je glavno vodilo srajčka. Ima živo roza rože, rumene cvetove in nežno roza. Pa še belo osnovo. Kako da še ne bi malo dolala živo rumene?! Take barve so krošnje dreves v soncu. Jesen. Moj najljubši čas! Še moram omeniti, da je tigrast vzorec klasika!!! To pa vsepovsod zraven spada. Tudi k rožam. Živali imajo rade naravo...

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!

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