Hi my Beloved!
Am I deciding of fear
or love?
I decide more based
about my feelings (at least I think so). But at least I decide - based more about
my feelings than I used to. Or sometimes. Or at least yesterday. (Hope dies last!)
I love being myself
everyday more. I'm more gentle to myself. Less to blame. I'm more a friend with
me. It's not
that easy, but it's always easier.
Relationship to myself.
relationship with myself. Authenticity.
Love for myself. You look in your eyes? Are we honest with yourselves?
Dreams are being realized! They are tangible! The colleague traveled to Bali with a friend! This is my dream island of
artists and art! I can’t wait to see all the pictures from there! Other dreams
have come true. Huge! I do not want to tell you everything, but I'm really
I can see it!
Increasingly, I see that! With all my heart!
What is even more
beautiful than big sleeves? Shirt painted with purple leaves and tiny orange
dots. Not so small. It's lovely! I love everything on it! Everything is
complementary. Orange and purple. Logical sequel... Lovely whole!
Life loves you!
Love with all your
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Ljubka
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
odločam iz strahu ali iz
se odločam po svojem občutku (vsaj mislim si tako). Se pa vsaj bolj odločam po
svojem občutku, kot sem se nekdaj. Ali včasih. Ali vsaj včeraj. (Upanje umira zadnje!)
bolj rada sem jaz. Bolj sem nežna do sebe. Manj se obsojam. Bolj sem
prijateljica s sabo. Saj
ni tako lahko, ampak je vedno lažje.
Odnos do sebe. Ljubeč odnos s
sabo. Pristnost.
Ljubezen do sebe. Si pogledamo v oči? Smo do sebe iskreni?
Sanje se
uresničujejo! Postajajo otipljive! Kolegica je
odpotovala na Bali s prijateljem! To pa mi je sanjski otok umetnikov in
umetnosti! Komaj čakam, da vidim vse slike od tam! Še druge sanje so se
uresničile. Ogromne! Vse ne bi rada povedala, ampak sem čisto navdušena!
da se da! Vedno bolj vidim, da se da! Z vsem srcem!
je še sploh lepšega, kot veliki rokavi? Majčka poslikana z vijoličnimi listki
in drobnimi oranžnimi pikami. Bolj malimi. Ljubka je! Vse na njej obožujem! Vse
se samo dopolnjuje. Oranžno in vijolično. Logično nadaljevanje... Ljubka celota!
Življenje te ljubi!
Ljubi z vsem srcem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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