ponedeljek, 28. maj 2018

K A T E J A : Blossom!

Hi my Beloved!

We are allies. All women are allies. Let’s talk nice about one another. Women's power. Others underestimate us, we will not do it ourselves. Neither yourself nor anyone else. Come on! It's time! We appreciate one another!

Dad always said, if I have nothing good to say, I better keep quiet. (I always have something smart to say...) The same is true for us. If you do not have anything nice to say about another woman, it's better to be quiet. That's it!

I love to express myself through clothing. I was also wild by nature. I climbed everything. On the cherry I climbed the highest. We climbed together above the gap. The stream flowed below. Everything seemed interesting. The more I thought it was impossible, the more I was challenging. Rocks at sea. Various.

I don’t know how I reconcile that exploratory nature and femininity. Now I see that there is nothing to coordinate. I'm just a woman who likes to explore. Why would not this go together? But I was so burdened that I was half a guy half a girl. It's not true! I was just genuine and I was doing what I was most happy about!

The day started early in the morning. The castle and the park in front of it already invited me. The bushes were so in blossom! I enjoyed nature. Divine!

Why not white pants? A lovely shirt with flowers is matched with a flowering park. Violet. As I knew that the color is going to there. I like exploring around. I'm all interested. So I like to dress comfortably. Especially comfort shoes, that I can walk around everywhere!

Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Razcveteno!!!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Zaveznice smo. Vse ženske smo zaveznice. Lepo govorimo ena o drugi. Ženska moč. Že tako nas drugi podcenjujejo, ne bomo si še to delale same. Niti sebi, niti drugim. Daj no! Čas je! Cenimo se!
Ati je vedno govoril, če nimam kaj pametnega povedati, boljše da sem tiho. (Vedno imam kaj pametnega povedati…) Enako velja za nas. Če nimaš kaj lepoega povedati o drugi ženski, boljše, da si tiho. To je to!
Rada sem izražala sebe skozi oblačila. Sem pa bila tudi divja po naravi. Vse sem preplezala. Na češnji sem splezala najbolj visoko. Plezali smo skupaj nad prepadom. Spodaj je tekel potok. Vse se mi je zdelo zanimivo. Bolj se mi je zdelo nemogoče, bolj mi je bil izziv. Skale na morju. Pestro.

Ne vem, kako sem uskladila to svojo raziskovalno naravo in ženskost. Zdaj vidim, da tu ni nič za usklajevati. Sem samo ženska, ki rada raziskuje. Zakaj pa to ne bi šlo skupaj? Jaz pa sem se tako obremenjevala, da sem bila pol fant pol punca. Ni res! Samo pristna sem bila in sem delal to, kar mi je bilo v največje veselje!

Dan se je začel že zgodaj zjutraj. Grad in park pred njim sta me že vabila. Grmovje je bilo tako lepo razcveteno! Uživala sem v naravi. Božansko!

Zakaj pa ne bele hlače? Ljubka srajčka z rožicami se ujema s cvetočim parkom. Nežno vijoličnim. Kot bi vedela, da bodo ravno take barve tam. Rada raziskujem okoli. Vse me zanima. Zato se rada oblečem udobno. Sploh obujem, da lahko hodim vsepovsod okoli!

Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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