petek, 25. maj 2018

K A T E J A : Arches...

Hi my Beloved!

I love the uniqueness. I love authenticity in all aspects. I love originality. Everything is expressed through me and I express myself through everything.

Authenticity. It's important to me.

I'm also a painter in the soul. Artwork in the process of formation!

When is not the right time for pampering? Everyone has his own way. Me too. Depending on the day. Sometimes I'm in the pajamas all day in the sitting room. Or something else. Also dependent. From weather. And I'm just enjoying it. I'm just here.

Sometimes I want more active relaxation. Walk around the park. How nice is all in bloom. So beautiful orange flowers. But some have already bloomed.

Ride a bike to get there. The wind in the hair. That's so precious. Now, even when it's hotter. It's not the heat to burn you. But it’s already.

I went to buy something nice for myself. There has been a bit of sales already. I always buy something nice. Something that I really like. I enjoy watching things through. Clothes. I'm looking at the material. I look from afar. The most important thing to me is how it feels when I have it dressed. I like light natural materials.

I'm always fascinated by castles. Arches. Courtyards. Interior. The beauty of the mysterious past. First I admire them from far away, when I’m driving. Then closer. Then it's quite close. And finally, from the inside! Divine!

They have such a nice carriage. Air! I'm dressed all in red. Some white flowers are on a shirt. Of course, the purse is also red. In the background, wonderful arches are spreading! Magical!

Life loves you!

Love with all your heart!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Oboki!!!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Rada imam unikatnost. Rada imam pristnost v vseh pogledih. Rada imam samosvojost. Vse se izraža skozi mene in jaz se izražam skozi vse.

Avtentičnost. Izraznost mi je pomembna.

Tudi jaz sem slikarka po duši. Umetnina v procesu nastajanja!
Kdaj pa ni pravi dan za razvajanje? Vsak ima svoj način. Tudi jaz. Odvisno od dneva. Včasih sem cel dan v pidžami na sedežni. Ali kaj drugega. Tudi odvisno. Od vremena. In samo uživam. Samo sem.

Kdaj pa si želim bolj aktivne sprostitve. Sprehod po parku. Kako lepo vse cveti. Tako lepe oranžne rože. nekaj pa jih je že odcvetelo.

Vožnja s kolesom do tja. Vetrc v laseh. To je tako dragoceno. Zdaj sploh, ko je že topleje. Ni to zdaj vročina, da te skuri. Ampak je že.
Šla sem si kupiti nekaj lepega zase. Malo so se že začele razprodaje. Vedno pa si kupim kaj lepega. Nekaj takega, kar mi je res všeč. Prav uživam v pregledovanju stvari skozi. Oblačil. Pogledam material. Pogledam od daleč. Najbolj pa mi je pomemben občutek, kako je, ko jo imam oblečeno. Rada imam lahkotne naravne materiale. 

Vedno znova me očarajo gradovi. Oboki. Dvorišča. Notranjost. Čarobnost skrivnostne preteklosti. Najprej jih občudujem od daleč že z avta. Potem bliže. Potem čisto blizu. In nazadnje od znotraj! Božansko!

Imajo tako lepo kočijo. Zračno! Oblečena sem vsa v rdeče. Nekaj belih rožic je na srajčki. Seveda je tudi torbica rdeča. V ozadju pa se razprostirajo čudoviti oboki! Čarobnost!

Življenje te ljubi!

Ljubi z vsem srcem!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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