Hi my Beloved!
I was cycling in the city. A lot of cars used
a trumpet. They had all four signposts turned on. Waving with the scarves
through the window! And whistle! What a beautiful sight! In the middle of the
event, there was a long white limousine! How luxurious! Fantastic looked all
along! It was a wedding!
Yesterday, I made an important step forward. To myself.
Kidding. To my dreams. Well, it is also true that to myself. Obviously.
I've edited papers, which I've been delaying for a long time. I feel so easy.
I'm fascinated.
had a lot of time for myself. Also,
I can take the time to read a book in peace. How satisfied I am. Full of tips.
But most of all this, listen to your heart.
I know. I know. I know. And do I really listen?
In the last few days, I see thoughts
everywhere. Listen
to your heart! Follow your heart! Your heart knows! That's it! (I can’t even ignore the fact that the
title of my blog I listen to my heart. An additional icing on the cake!!!)
Can it be said better!? Divine! Divine!
What else is left but to listen to your heart?
Definitely my dreams come true when I can
explore castles! Most importantly, I adore the Baroque Hall. All walls are
painted in lovely colors! All furniture is extremely valuable. I feel as if
time had stopped. Just sip all this beauty! (The best thing was that
I had company. She was the same excited as I was!)
I'm wearing a very easy clothes to explore. Open for all
the adventures of the day! Comfortable
shoes. White pants and jacket for freshness. A pinch of red for revitalization.
In reality, it does not matter at all! Look at this magnificent old castle!
Gosh! Perfection!
Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Poglej
to lepoto!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
sem s kolesom v mestu. Polno avtov je trobilo. Imeli so vklopljene vse štiri
smerokaze. Mahali so z rutami skozi okna! In žvižgali! Kako lepi prizor! V
sredini dogajanja pa je bila dolga bela limuzina! Kako razkošje! Fantastično je izgledalo vse skupaj! Poroka
je bila!
sem naredila pomemben korak naprej. K
sebi. Hecam se. K svojim sanjam. No, saj je tudi res to k sebi.
Čisto. Uredila sem si papirje, kar sem že dolgo odlašala. Počutim se tako
lahkotno. Prav fajn mi je.
Imela sem veliko časa zase. Prav
sem si lahko vzela čas, da v miru berem knjigo. Kako to paše. Polno nasvetov.
Najbolj pa to, da poslušaj svoje srce.
Vem. Vem. Vem. Pa ga zares poslušam?
dneve pa vsepovsod vidim misli. Poslušaj
svoje srce! Sledi svojemu srcu! Tvoje srce ve!
Pa ja je to! (Ne morem niti mimo dejstva, da ima moj blog naslov Poslušam svoje
srce. Še dodatna pika na i!!!)
je še sploh lahko lepše povedano! Božansko!
mi še preostane drugega kot da poslušam
svoje srce?
se mi uresničujejo sanje, ko lahko raziskujem gradove! Najbolj pa obožujem
baročno dvorano. Vse stene so poslikane tako v ljubkih barvah! Vso pohištvo je
izjemno dragoceno.
Počutim se, kot bi se čas ustavil. Samo srkam vso to lepoto! (Najlepše
pa je bilo, da sem imela sokrivko. Enako je bila navdušena kot jaz!)
sem čisto lahkotno za raziskovanje. Odprta
za vse pustolovščine dneva! Udobni čevlji. Bele hlače in
jaknica za svežino. Ščepec rdečega za poživitev. V resnisi pa sploh ni
pomembno! Poglej ta stari veličasten grad! Božasnko! Popolnost!
Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
-Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink
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