sreda, 23. maj 2018

K A T E J A : Spring? Where!?!

Hi my Beloved!

I would like to say that I appreciate the conversations. Especially when each is allowing the other, that is, what it is. To me are so precious my beloved women! Sister and mother. I always get new insights.

Sometimes a conversation takes place before the haircut. This is definitely more important. The conversation is definitely more important. In the fullness.

Everything is arranged as it should. And it's all right.

I would like to write how I love colors. Together, I can give the most weird combination.

Unthinkable! And it comes fine. A green T-shirt with white dots and a bloody skirt with all possible colors. The base is strongly apricot. Each is excellent. Together? Hm? Also!

I love the vibrancy of colors. I love how everything works together. Or not. And then this is beauty. I love my style. Colorful. Kitsch. Too much. But it's cute! Chick!

In nature, I always find peace and connectivity. It's like a sanctuary. As a peace that's always inside me. I just forget sometimes. Like a love that is hidden by small everyday life. But never disappears.

Sometimes the seasons come with a little delay. It's a little too much rain. But it's never an obstacle to not taking a trip. At least to the pond. Life is so magical as I make it.

I've got a long green skirt here. I also have nails in this style ... and shoes! For the freshness, I added some white ...

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Pomlad? Kje?!?

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Rada bi povedla, da tako cenim pogovore. Sploh, ko vsak dopušča drugemu, da je, kar je. Meni sta tako dragoceni moji ljubi ženski! Sestra in mama. Vedno pridem do novih spoznanj.

Včasih pride pogovor pred frizuro. To je vsekakor bolj pomembno. Pogovor je vsekakor bolj pomemben. V polnosti.
Vse se uredi, kot se mora. In kot je prav.
Rada bi napisala, kako obožujem barve. Skupaj lahko sestavim najbolj čudno kombinacijo.

Nepredstavljivo! In pride odlično. Zeleno majico z belimi pikami in rožasto krilo z vsemi mogočimi barvami. Osnova je močno marelična. Vsaka zase odlični. Skupaj? Hm? Tudi!

Obožujem živost barv. Obožujem, kako se vse lepo skupaj ujema. Ali ne. In je potem to lepota. Rada imam svoj stil. Barvit. Kičast. Preveč. A vseeno ljubek! Šik!

V naravi vedno najdem mir in povezanost. To mi je kot svetišče. Kot mir, ki je vedno v meni. Samo včasih pozabim. Kot ljubezen, ki jo majhne vsakdanjosti zakrijejo. Nikoli pa ne izgine. 

Včasih pridejo letni časi z malo zamude. Kar malo preveč dežja je. Ampak to ni nikoli ovira, da se ne peljem na izlet. Vsaj do ribnika. Življenje je tako čarobno, kot si ga naredim.

Tukaj imam oblečeno dolgo zeleno krilo. Tudi nohte imam v tem stilu... in čevlje! Za svežino pa sem dodala malo beline...

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!

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