sreda, 4. april 2018

K A T E J A : Red. Or red?

Hi my Beloved!

Books have always been my passion. Reading! Writing too. I always wanted to be a writer. That to me is natural. It's part of me. I just want to write. Even when I do not need it! Well, since I am, I am already a writer by heart. There is no debate at all!

I would like to honor all the moms in the world! You are remarkable. We are exceptional!

Nobody prepares you right to this challenge of motherhood. It's happening. Children and mothers are so different that there are not any relevant rules at all. Most of what I want for my child is to be happy.

After all, it's not mine at all, it's his own. He has his own life. His mission. His goals. His nature! I was just an intermediary between the soul and the body contact. I'm a little more of time!

What about motivation? From inside out, of course?! Why do we want anything at all? Just because we think we'll be happy then!

There is no doubt that I like red shades. Everywhere. Everything where is possible. I don’t resist it. I love to revive my appearance. It's like a vitamin bomb!

Red shoes. A sweater. I painted a dress myself. The whole black is slightly boring... although it's also elegant. But not today! Authenticity counts!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Rdeče. Ali rdeče?

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Knjige so mi že od nekdaj moja strast. Branje! Tudi pisanje. Vedno sem si želela biti pisateljica. To mi je naravno. To je del mene. Pač rada pišem. Tudi ko ne rabim! Pa saj sem, po srcu sem že pisateljica. Tu sploh ni debate!

Rada bi počastila vse mame na svetu! Izjemne ste. Izjemne smo!

Nihče te ne pripravi prav na ta izziv materinstva. Zgodi se. Otroci in mame smo tako različni, da sploh ni nekih relevantnih pravil. Največ, kar si želim za mojega otroka je, da bi bil srečen.

Navsezadnje pa sploh ni moj, samosvoj je. Svoje življenje ima. Svoje poslanstvo. Svoje cilje. Svojo naravo! Bila sem samo posrednica med stikom duše in telesnega. Sem še malo!

Kaj pa motivacija? Od znotraj navzven seveda?! Zakaj si sploh kaj želimo? Samo zato, ker mislimo, da bomo potem srečni!

Sploh ni dvoma, da so mi všeč rdeči odtenki. Vsepovsod. Vse kar je možno. Ne upiram se. Rada imam, da poživi moj izgled. To je kot vitaminska bomba! Rdeči čevlji. Jopica. Obleko sem si poslikala sama. Cela črna je rahlo dolgočasna... čeprav tudi elegantna. Ampak ne danes! Pristnost šteje!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!

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