Hi my Beloved!
Can I be happy anyway? Can I be so happy right now? Can I be happy because it is Monday? Can I
be happy because it is Sunday? Can I be happy because it is Tuesday? Every time.
I think that the days of the week have nothing to do with it.
Sometimes it's better
not to look back. And just to look forward to the sun. These fluffy clouds. I
think you should just delete the word sometimes. It is always better to watch
the sun, white disguised uneven clouds in the sky. Everything is now. It's always
better to watch what's great in my life.
Freshness, juicyness, vitality is all now. Everything flows through. Ideas. Inspiration. Travel. What else will be.
But it's already great now.
I love these days.
Such like today. In the family nest, shelter. Home. Warmth. Full of laughter
and fun. Relaxation. Good food. Coffee that has cream on top. My favorite cup. Conversations.
Spring is here! The freshness
of authenticity is already brisk in fullness!
We have such a mighty
railway bridge. This is below. Photographed. Spring is here! Everything is more
fresh, even the colors of the dressing. Monochrome. A long jacket. Blouse with
small golden dots. White belt! Jeans. And a pinch of gold. Because it even more fresh!
Life loves you!
Love with all your
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
J A : Zlata pomlad!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Sem lahko srečna ne glede na vse? Sem lahko srečna
kar tako? Sem lahko srečna, ker je ponedeljek? Sem lahko srečna, ker je
nedelja? Sem lahko srečna, ker je torek? Kdaj koli. Mislim, da dnevi tedna
nimajo nič s tem.
Včasih je bolje ne gledati nazaj.
In se samo veseliti sonca. Teh puhastih oblakov. Mislim, da bi kar morala
izbrisati besedo včasih. Vedno je bolje gledati sonce, bele razkuštrane
neenakomerne oblake na nebu. Vse, kot je zdaj. Vedno je boljše gledati, kar je super v mojem
Svežina, sočnost, vitalnost vse je zdaj. Vse se pretaka
skozi. Ideje. Navdih. Potovanja. Kaj vse še bo. Ampak že zdaj je super.
Rada imam te dneve. Take, kot je
danes. V družinskem gnezdu, zavetju. Domačnosti. Toplini. Polno smeha in
zabavnosti. Sproščenost. Dobra hrana. Kava, ki ima penice na vrhu. Moja
najljubša skodelica. Pogovori. Razigranost.
Pomlad je tu! Svežina pristnosti
že brsti v polnosti!
Imamo tako mogočen železniški most. To pa je
spodaj. Fotografirano. Pomlad je tukaj! Vse je bolj sveže, tudi barve
oblačenja. Monokromatsko. Dolga jopica. Bluzica z majhnimi zlatimi pikicami.
Bel pas! Kavbojke. In ščepec zlatega. Ker je tako še bolj sveže!
Življenje te ljubi!
Ljubi z vsem srcem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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