ponedeljek, 12. marec 2018

K A T E J A : Shine through...

Hi my Beloved!

Today we celebrate! Women! (And men to have us... to beautify their days with our authenticity and mischief!) In reality they never have us, because we are our own, like cats. But it's nice to create a partnership together when both partners are happy! Then happiness grows exponentially!

Well let's leave this topic today! Maybe I would write that. Each is enough. Well, this is true for both sexes, after all. We're enough! We are the whole person for ourselves! We do not need anybody, but we wish them because it is so colorful!

In the morning I read such an interesting thought or inspiration... A big smile was on my face...

My super power is that I am a woman! What about yours?


Today, I use this super power for myself. I dress gorgeous! Uh, what a good hairstyle my hairdresser did! I enjoy coffee. And I can’t wait to get together and chat! Women of course! The power of women! And even more if we were all in one place!

Today, I’m grateful for my mom, my sister, grandmothers, grandparents, great-grandmothers... and their friends who were allies. Without them, I would not be here!

When I do not know what to wear, it's always one solution. My favorite color. Of course it's bright pink! I look in the closet and just let it shine through.

I changed so many times yesterday. I was looking for combinations. I would come back home a long time ago if I would just dress. Something. Just jeans and sweater and shoes. That would be it! But no! Sometimes it's worth complicating, but it's sometimes a waste of time.

I went for a walk along the river where it is so interesting. Trees. Stumps. Lichens. Puddles with reflections of tree canopy. I’m wearing a skirt bright pink, less wild color turtleneck. The necklace is exactly the same pink. For a little naughtiness, I added the tiger (with animal pattern) shoes. I almost forgot the pink puff for the neck that is so warm. The coat is a mild camel color. It's so nice to calm down the pink color (not because it should be quiet. It's perfect!)! The jacket matches the shoes.

Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : !

Hej moje drage, dragi!

Danes pa praznujemo! Ženske! (In moški, da nas imajo… da jim polepšam dneve s svojo pristnostjo in nagajivostjo!) v resnici nas nikoli nimajo, ker smo samosvoje kot mačke. Je pa lepo ustvarjati partnerstvo skupaj, ko sta oba partnerja srečna! Potem sreča raste eksponentno!

No pa pustimo danes to temo! Mogoče bi to napisala. Vsaka zase je dovolj. Pa saj to velja za oba spola, navsezadnje. Dovolj smo! Same zase smo cela oseba! Ne rabimo nikogar, ampak si jih želimo, ker je tako bolj pestro!

Zjutraj sem prebrala tako zanimivo misel ali navdih… privabila mi je nasmeh…

Moja super moč je, da sem ženska! Kaj pa tvoja? 


Danes pa uporabljam to super moč zase. Lepo se uredim! Uh, kako dobro frizuro mi je frizer naredil! Uživam na kavi. In komaj čakam, da se zberemo skupaj in poklepetamo! Ženske seveda! Moč žensk! In sploh, če nas je toliko na kupu!

Danes sem hvaležna najprej svoji mami, sestri, babicam, prababicam, praprababicam… in njihovim prijateljicam, ki so bile zaveznice. Brez njih tudi mene ne bi bilo!

Ko ne vem, kaj bi si oblekla, je vedno ena rešitev. Moja najljubša barva. Seveda živo roza! Pogledam v omaro in samo pustim, da zasije skozi.

Zadnjič sem se tako dolgo preoblačila. Iskala sem kombinacije. Že zdavnaj bi prišla iz opravkov. Samo kavbojke in pulover in čevlji. Pa bi bilo! Ampak ne! Včasih se splača komplicirati, včasih pa je čista izguba časa.

Šla sem na sprehod ob reki, kjer je tako zanimivo. Drevesa. Štori. Lišaji. Luže z odsevi drevesnih krošenj. Oblečeno imam krilo v živo roza barvi, manj kričeč puli. Verižico čisto enako kričeče roza barve. Malo nagajivosti pa sem dodala s tigrastimi čevlji. Skoraj bi pozabila roza puhek za okoli vratu, ki me je grel. Plašček je blago kamelje barve. Tako lepo umiri pikni barvo (saj ne, da bi jo bilo treba miriti. Popolna je!)! Plašček se ujema s čevlji.

Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

-Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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