Yesterday I listened
to such an interesting radio show of Michelle Neill. Every day create something new, that wasn’t
here yesterday! Cook something good. Paint something. Write a song.
Uh. Really.
I create something new every day, but I wasn’t’ aware of it. I'm writing. I paint. I
create delicious scented lunches. What I like. Smoothies. Coffee. I catch a
moment of pure beauty of nature that remains forever caught in a photo.
I create a new combination of dressing that has never been before.
I sat with a cup of
coffee in a small inn. They had such a beautiful black silver wallpaper with
ornaments. Lovely. My favorite music. Then a random grandfather came to the
casual waitress (granddaughter) for a visit. Somehow everyday were the words
between them. The conversation ran almost artificial about daily problems. But I was drawn
to closeness.
How often is it
difficult to take the time for people I love? But this closeness is already the
healing. Different. Wonderful. Nice. Full of joy in the eyes. Full of inner
satisfaction. Nearness. I only take the time, and then these invisible pleasures
of happiness flow. Interwoven
with pure gold, because they are unrepeatable. Honest, full of laughter.
I miss my grandmother.
It was often so that I did not take the time. But I did. We then weave threads that are invaluable.
We were close, I told her everything. There was a closeness between us that
could not be described. We knew. Allied. It all went so easy. I love her. It is
an invaluable sense of acceptance and knowing that I am good, worthy, loved.
Exactly as I am and precisely because of what I am. It's nice. Magical.
I do not know if I
would even describe what I wear when it is so beautiful background. The very
name of Grajski trg (Castle square) tells everything. I really like Maribor with all my heart!
But anyway… I have a
thick sweater. Pink
color. A long dress. Also pink. And a touch of western movies, that
my father was looking all the time, boots! (Not pink! What a shame! Just kidding…) What about this wonderful bag! I
bought it for my sister's wedding, but it's still divine! And a necklace (I made it!). Pink!
Love with all your
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
J A : Grajsko ozadje!
Hej moje drage, moji
sem poslušala tako zanimiv izsek Michela Neilla. Vsak dan ustvari nekaj novega, kaj še včeraj ni bilo!
Skuhaj kaj dobrega. Naslikaj kaj. Napiši pesem. Uh. Res.
Vsak dan ustvarjam
kaj novega, pa sploh nisem vedala. Pišem. Slikam. Ustvarjam
okusna dišeča kosila. To, kar imam rada. Smutije. Kavo. Ujamem trenutek čiste
lepote narave, ki ostane za vedno ujet na fotografiji.
novo kombinacijo
oblačenja, ki še je prej nikoli ni bilo.
sem na kavi v majhni gostilnici celi iz stekla. Imeli so tako lepe črno srebrne
tapete z ornamenti. Ljubke. Mojo najljubšo glasbo. Potem je prišel naključni
dedek k naključni natakarici na obisk. Kako nekako vsakdanje so bile besede med
njima. Pogovor je tekel skoraj umetno o dnevnih težavah. Me je pa pritegnila bližina.
si je težko vzeti čas za ljudi, ki jih imam rada. Ampak že ta bližina je
zdravilna. Drugačna. Čudežna. Prijetna. Polna radosti v očeh. Polno notranjega
zadovoljstva. Bližine. Samo
čas si vzamem, potem pa se tkejo te nevidne nitke sreče. Prepletene
s čistim zlatom, ker so neponovljive. Iskrene, polne smeha.
mojo babico. Velikokrat je bilo tako, da si nisem vzela časa. Sem pa si ga.
Takrat sva tkali niti, ki so neprecenljive. Bili sva si blizu, zaupala sem ji
vse. Med nama je bila bližina, ki se je ne da opisati. Vedeli sva. Zaveznici.
Vse je teklo s tako lahkoto. Rada jo imam. To je neprecenljiv občutek sprejetosti in vedenja, da
sem dobra, vredna, ljubljena. Točno taka kot sem
in točno zaradi tega, kar sem. Lepo je to. Čarobno.
Ne vem, če bi sploh opisovala, kaj imam
oblečeno, ko pa je tako lepo ozadje. Že samo ime Grajski trg pove vse. Res imam rada
Maribor z vsem srcem!
No vseeno imam oblečen debel pulover. Roza barve. dolgo obleko. Tudi roza barve. in malo vestern pridiha filmov, ki jih je vedno
gledal oče. (Niso
roza barve! Škoda! Saj ne, malo heca!)
Kaj pa ta čudovita torbica! Kupila sem si jo za sestrino poroko, ampak še vedno
je božanska! in verižica (Sama sem jo naredila!). Roza!
Ljubi z vsem srcem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste.
Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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