ponedeljek, 19. marec 2018

K A T E J A : Snow! Now?!

Hi my Beloved!

We were born to be real, not to be perfect.
     (daniellecearbaugh (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf4HM2VFoZT/?)

Sometimes it's good that the weekend is over. It's not true! It could get used to that every day is like the end of the week. Why not be so pampered every day as if weekend is still going on? It is just a mark on the calendar. I can do everything the same. Or at least about the same. More enjoying a cup of coffee. I would look a good comedy movie in the evening. I browse my favorite magazine. I read the book in bed. I'm going for a walk. I dress nicely.

It's true. It all depends on me. Exactly. Therefore, today I enjoyed every detail of the day. I will decorate it with the lace, to hold the value of festivity. Every day is like holiday, somehow. I give it the honor of being my best day so far.

Somewhere I listened, why wouldn’t we set big goals? If it doesn’t work well and you have a big goal, it's still bold – than if you only have a small goal and you do not succeed. It made me think. It's true. She's right! A woman is smart! So it seems to me that I already heard this from Dr. Phil. But hearing is not enough! I want to live it!

I always like to try something new. Today it was sweet chili sauce with Chinese chips. It was good!

We have the snow! Again! In March! Now spring will be even sweeter! I’m wearing here my most warm shoes. They are in harmony with my jumper (sweater). Same sand neutral color. Of course I wear cap. It’s very cold. I love this big red everyday bag. I went shopping, and it’s so big, that you can’t even see it! Adore! Everything goes in it! And flower on it it’s in compliant with snow… talking about harmony the bag is in symphony with my red trousers.

I didn’t’ even realize how harmonic combination I was wearing. All is about harmony this day!  

Have the nicest lovely happy pink day!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Sneg! Zdaj?!

Hej moje drage, dragi!

Rodili smo se, da bi bili pristni, ne popolni.

     (daniellecearbaugh (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf4HM2VFoZT/?)

Včasih je dobro, da je vikenda konec. Ni res! Prav navadila bi se lahko, da je vsak dan kot konec tedna. Zakaj pa se ne bi vsak dan tako razvajala, kot da je in še vedno traja? Saj to je samo označba na koledarju. Vse lahko naredim isto. Ali vsaj približno isto. Še bolj uživam ob kavi. Pogledam kako dobro komedijo zvečer. Prelistam svojo najljubšo revijo. Berem knjigo v postelji. Grem na sprehod. Se lepo oblečem.

Res je. Vse je odvisno od mene. Točno tako. Zato bom danes uživala v vseh podrobnostih tega dneva. Jih obrobila čipkasto, da imajo vrednost prazničnosti. Vsak dan je po svoje praznik. Dajem mu čast, da je moj najlepši dan do zdaj.

Nekje sem poslušala, zakaj si ne bi postavili velikih ciljev? Če ti ne uspe čisto in imaš veliki cilj, je še vedno krepko čez, kot če imaš samo mali cilj in ti ne uspe. To mi je dalo za misliti. Res je. Prav ima! Ženska je pametna! Tako se mi zdi, da sem že to slišala pri Dr. Philu. Ampak slišala ni dovolj! Želim si to živeti!

Vedno rada poskusim kaj novega. Danes je bila to sladka čili omakica s kitajskim čipsom. Dobro je bilo!

Imamo sneg! Ponovno! V marcu! Zdaj bo pomlad še slajša! Tukaj imam obute najtoplejše čevlje. So v harmoniji z mojim puloverjem. Ista peščena nevtralna barva. Seveda imam kapo. Zelo je hladno. Všeč mi je ta velika rdeča vsakodnevna torba. Šla sem v nakupovanje in ta je tako velika, da sploh ne morete videti, koliko imam v njej! Obožujem! Vse je v njej! In cvet bele barve je v harmoniji s snegom... Ko govorimo ravno o harmoniji: torbica je v simfoniji z mojimi rdečimi hlačami.

Nisem niti opazila, kako skladno kombinacijo sem si oblekla. Vse je v harmoniji danes!

Imej najlepši ljubek srečen pink dan!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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