petek, 23. marec 2018

K A T E J A : Cha-cha-cha!

Hi my Beloved!

Hey, what is playing for you today? Music is such an important part of my life. I am delighted to surrender to the rhythm. I dance. This is the release for me. Uh, pure poetry!

Tan, tan, tan... uuuuu! One, two, cha-cha-cha!

This always makes me happy! Of course I have several different songs for different moods! It always has the same healing effect! Always! I always feel better! Like the sun! Today it swayed through windows, even though I had closed my eyes, I knew. It all bathe in the warmth of the glowing radiance. Even now!

Perfection! Not to mention dance music! Tango! Or cha-cha-cha! Well, there's no dance I do not like. I don’t know it yet!

What are you looking forward to? What means a beautiful life for you?

Today, we give you a new life. Empty sheet. Clear all the obligations you have. Also to others. How would you create it? What would it be? Who would it be? What is what inspiring you?

Today, let's create. What will we do, what wasn’t here yesterday? Full of Love? For yourself, too!

It is true that I went outside of my comfort zone yesterday. The feeling was fantastic. I have to repeat this! Exceptional! Just as it is a challenge to create something new, which wasn’t there yesterday. Song. Picture. Lunch cooked with love. A new combination of clothes ... So I could equally determine for the steps outside my comfort zone. For fun. Because then the feeling is incredibly satisfying. I was proud of myself. And I'm still!

A suit. Like the suit. Only with short trousers. A little too gray? Um ... Yes! so I added my favorite color. So. To spice up. The belt around the waist. An interesting bag. More interesting color. For playfulness. Photos are from Poštna ulica, where it happens more at night. Party! For weekends. But it is also pleasant for the enjoyment of drinking coffee during the day. Optional...

Love with all your heart!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Ča-ča-ča!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Hej, kaj vam danes igra? Glasba je tako pomemben del mojega življenja. Z vsem veseljem se predajam ritmom. Plešem. To pa je sprostitev zame. Uh, čista poetičnost!

Tan, tam, tan… uuuuu! En, dva, ča-ča-ča!

To me pa vedno spravi v dobro voljo! Seveda imam več različnih pesmi za različna razpoloženja! Vedno pa ima enak zdravilen učinek name! Vedno! Vedno se počutim boljše! Podobno kot sonce! Danes je tako zasijalo skozi okna, da kljub temu, da sem imela zaprte oči, da sem vedela. Vse se je kopalo v tej sijoči toplini žarenja. Še zdaj se!

Popolnost! Da niti ne govorim o plesni glasbi! Tango! Ali čačača! No, saj ni plesa, ki mi ni všeč. Saj poznam še ga ne!

Kaj te veseli? Kaj zate pomeni lepo življenje?

Danes ti podarjamo novo življenje. Prazen list. Izbriši vse obveznosti, ki jih imaš. Tudi do drugih. Kako bi si ga ustvarila? Kaj bi bila? Kdo bi bila? Kaj tisto, kar te navdušuje?

Danes pa se imejmo radi. Kaj bomo ustvarili, kaj še ni bilo včeraj? Polno ljubezni? Tudi zase!

Je pa res, da sem šla včeraj izven svoje cone udobja. Občutek je bil fantastičen. To moram še večkrat ponoviti. Izjemno! Tako kot je izziv ustvariti nekaj novega, kar še včeraj ni bilo. Pesem. Sliko. Kosilo skuhalo z ljubeznijo. Novo kombinacijo oblačil… Tako bi si enako lahko določila za korake izven mojega kroga udobja. Za zabavo. Ker je potem občutek neverjetno zadovoljujoč. Prav ponosna sem bila nase. In sem še!

Obleka. Kot obleka. Samo s kratkimi hlačami. Malo preveč sivo? Hm... Da! zato sem dodala mojo najljubšo barvo. Tako. Da popestri. Pas okoli pasu. Zanimiva torbica. Bolj zanimiva barva. Za igrivost. Foto posnetki so s Poštne ulice, kjer se dogaja bolj ponoči. Zabava! Za vikende. Ampak je tudi podnevi prijetno za užitek ob pitju kave. Po želji...

Ljubi z vsem srcem!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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