ponedeljek, 5. februar 2018

K A T E J A : By the river... of love...

Hi my Beloved!

I dug something interesting from my stuff. An old diary of visions, where I wrote affirmations for more inspiring day. (Like a vision board, just a thick notebook!) That was so interesting to me! Of course, I read only the first four sentences. Slowly. Nothing is going to escape…

The first one is about gratitude.

Something like this…

I’m grateful that I am. I’m grateful that I am where I am. I'm grateful for everything that's been. Because of that I'm here right now. (And who I am!)

(I think I wrote quite differently than it was in my notebook! But I'm sure that the word was grateful...)

More than I appreciate things that are, like they are, more I open to the new good. That's what I believe. With all my heart!

Let’s dance! This is a right skirt for that. It’s floating around me… Like gentle wild waves. This sweater is so soft and fluffy. I love that! And warm. It gives me big hug. Color is gently pink. I wore there over the knee boots. This added an extra warmth.

I love walks along the river. The sun was slowly shining through the tree trunks.

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Express yourself! You are so adorable!!! Love you!!! Be happy!

SLO: K A T E J A : Ob reki… ljubezni!

Hej moji dragi!

Izbrskala sem nekaj zanimivega. Star dnevnik vizij, kje sem si pisala afirmacije za vsakodnevni navdih. (Kot tabla vizij, samo debel zvezek!) Kako mi je to bilo zanimivo. Seveda sem prebrala komaj prve štiri. Počasi. Nič mi ne bo ušlo.

Prva je o hvaležnosti.

Nekako tako...

Hvaležna sem, da sem. Hvaležna sem, da sem, kje sem. Hvaležna sem, da sem zaradi vsega, kar je bilo, točno tukaj kot sem. (In to, kar sem!)

(Mislim, da sem čisto drugače napisala, kot je bilo tam! Prepričana pa sem, da je bila omenjena beseda hvaležnost…)

Več kot cenim stvari, ki so, kot so, bolj se odpiram novemu dobremu. To pa čisto verjamem. Z vsem mojim srcem!

Zaplešimo! To je ravno pravo krilo za to! Plava okoli mene… Kot nežni divji valovi. Pulover je tako mehki in puhast. To obožujem! in topel. Kot bi me na veliko objemal. Je nežno roza barve. Obute imam škorenjčke preko kolen. Za dodatno toplino.

Obožujem sprehode ob reki. Sonce se je počasi prebijalo skozi krošnje dreves.

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Izrazite se. Tako ste prisrčni!!! Rada vas imam! Bodite srečni.

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