petek, 2. november 2018

K A T E J A : Lovely sea side...

Hi my Beloved!

What is our journey? From beginning to end? What are even limitations? I think we are unlimited as creatures. What did you feel and let in, this is another story. Can I be even happier? Of course! To fullness! I can’t wait to get on the journey of the soul!

How can I be more sunshine today? I glow in their most beautiful colors. How can I be the best me today, the best version of myself? Where does the path lead me?

Exactly here as I am, here is my path. I'm here. Now at this moment. And here everything starts. My way. Where does the heart lead me?

I open my heart and walk my heart path. Let everyone feel his heart and this is main compass.

I’m inspired to travel the heart path. My compass is the heart. Journey is starting now!?! Are you coming?

How happy I am to be here and that I can be what I am.

City of Split is so lovely! Every step along these streets is a surprise and exploration. I like it there! Everything is so full of history. I'm wearing a beige combination. Almost sandy. I'm in a symphony with a background.

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful red day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Ljubko mesto o morju...

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Kaj je to naše potovanje? Od začetka do konca? Kaj je sploh omejenost? Mislim, da smo kot bitja neomejeni. Kaj pa si pustimo čutiti in biti, to pa je drugo. Sem lahko še bolj srečna? Seveda! Ampak danes sem že do polne kape! Komaj čakam, da se podam na potovanje duše!

Kako sem danes lahko bolj sonce? Sijem v svojih najlepših barvah. Kako sem danes lahko najboljša izvedba, različica sebe? Kam me vodi pot?
Točno tukaj kot sem, tu je moja pot. Tukaj sem. Zdaj v tem trenutku. In tukaj se vse začne. Moja pot. Kam me vodi srce?

Odpiram svoje srce in hodim po srčni poti. Naj vsak začuti svoje srce in mu je glavni kompas.

Sem navdih za potovanje srca. Moj kompas je srce. Potovanje se začenja zdaj!?! Prideš?

Kako sem zadovoljna, da sme tukaj in da sme lahko to, kar sem.

Mesto Split je tako ljubko! Vsak korak po teh ulicah je presenečenje in raziskovanje. Rada sem tam! Vse je tako polno zgodovine. Oblečena sem v bež kombinacijo. Skoraj peščeno. Sem v simfoniji z ozadjem.

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten dan!

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