my Beloved!
I love celebrations. Playfulness. Lightness. Laughter. Dancing.
Stories. Full of stories about the sea, travel.
But I prefer stories about the journey of
the soul. This is important to
me. I love this joy and playfulness in the eyes. Even purification or
It looks black and white, and it will remain
so. Well, no! It changes in the morning. The sun rises slowly. Fresh and new
images are seen.
about today? What am I
going to do spontaneous? Uh, how wonderful it is to have time for myself. I can’t
wait to go around the city.
I want to do more in this heart energy.
Yesterday I got such a crazy thought and I will realize it. So, for fun.
Because I can and because I want to. The very thought of it, it's fun. All the universe cooperates with
me. How does it make me happy?! Why wouldn’t you say yes to invitation? Juhu!
Difference today! What if dressing is the same
as when cooking? Together, you mix all the absurd ingredients. Then you get a
cake! It's similar to dressing. Join! And it creates colorfulness. Difference. Uniqueness!
It's fun! It's magic!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Drugačnost danes!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Rada imam praznovanja. Igrivost. Lahkotnost. Smeh. Ples. Zgodbe. Polno zgodb o morju,
Najraje pa imam zgodbe o potovanjih duše. To mi je pomembno. Rada imam to veselje in igrivost v očeh. Tudi očiščenje ali katarze.
Izgleda črno belo in da bo tako ostalo. Pa ne! Spremeni se v jutro. Sonce počasi vzhaja. Vidijo se sveže in nove podobe.
Kaj pa danes? Kaj
bom naredila kaj spontanega? Uh, kako mi je super, da imam čas zase. Komaj
čakam, da grem malo po mestu.
Želim si bolj delovati v tej
srčni energiji. Včeraj sem dobila tako noro misel
in jo bom tudi uresničila. Tako, za zabavo. Ker lahko in ker si želim. Že sama
misel na to, mi je zabavna. Vse vesolje kooperativno sodeluje z mano. Kako me
sproti osrečuje!? Zakaj bi rekla ne povabilu? Juhu!
Drugačnost danes! Kaj če je oblačenje tako
kot pri kuhanju. Skupaj zmešaš same nesmiselne sestavine. Potem pa dobiš torto!
Podobno je pri oblačenju. Združiš! In nastane pisanost. Drugačnost. Edinstvenost!
To je zabavno! To je čarobnost!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink
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