petek, 20. april 2018

K A T E J A : Wind in the hair...

Hi my Beloved!

I can’t wait to comfortably dress and go for a long walk. A little light. To the sun. In nature. It's magnetically pulling me! Then it slowly reveals its beauty. Details. Every corner is something special! Alive!

I got the message yesterday. Neither there was little ambiguous. Follow your heart. He was not a little sweetheart and then all this came up with. Added. Designed in my own way as I am fond of. No! Clear. Each letter separately. Otherwise in English, but this is no longer an obstacle. It was clear!

What does it mean to listen to my heart?

Follow my bliss?

What does it mean to me to follow my heart?

What if this means that there is no longer time to procrastinate? What if it means that now is the right time? I live my own way, as I want. Days are mine. Hours are given to me like everyone. Why not use them to create a wonderful life? I live a beautiful life.

We love this ease. Wind in the hair. The sun. Finally!

I also love cats! Even on a T-shirt. I added a little silver. For playfulness. Of course big earrings. Clean my style for the city. Drive by bike ... Simple. Lovely! Me!

Life loves you!

Love with all your heart!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Veter v laseh…

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Komaj čakam, da se udobno obujem in grem na dolgi sprehod. Malo na svetlobo. Na sonce. V naravo. Prav magnetno me že vleče! Potem se mi počasi razkriva s svojimi lepotami. Podrobnostmi. Vsak kotiček je nekaj posebnega! Živega!

Včeraj sem dobila sporočilo. Niti malo ni bilo dvoumno. Sledi svojemu srcu. Ni bil mali srček in bi si potem vse to zraven izmislila. Dodala. Oblikovala po svoje, kot mi paše. Ne! Jasno. Vsaka črka posebej. Sicer v angleščini, ampak to ni več ovira. Bilo je čisto jasno!

Kaj mi pomeni poslušaj svoje srce?
Sledi sovjemu sijaju?
Kaj mi pomeni sledi svojemu srcu?
Kaj pa če to pomeni, da ni več časa za odlašanje? Kaj če pomeni, da je zdaj pravi čas? Živim po svoje, kot si želim. dnevi so moji. Ure so mi dane enako kot vsem. Zakaj jih ne bi uporabila, da ustvarjam čudovito življenje? Živim lepo življenje. 

Obožujem to lahkotnost. Veter v laseh. Sonce. Končno!

Obožujem tudi mačke! Četudi samo na majici. Dodala sem malo srebrne barve. Za igrivost. Seveda velike uhane. Čisto moj stil za po mestu. Vožnjo s kolesom... Enostavno. Ljubko! Jaz!

Življenje te ljubi!

Ljubi z vsem srcem!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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