my Beloved!
I love this joy. I trust that it's inside me. I trust that I
can be exactly as I am.
appreciate being here and writing.
I appreciate being in this lovely time. Well,
what's the point, which moment is not cute? Today we are even more closely
following our hearts. Totally. I made my day so
beautiful… With a flowering tree. What is this now?
I love my life. I enjoy it. Now it's even
more time for me to be who I am. In
fullness. Uh, what have I done?!
feel my inside how it evolves, how it is becoming.
Or what is more and more of what has always been. Or what it has
become. I feel this momentum inside me. I feel the power that I've always been
just here so that I can be who I am. For myself. Because I deserve the best
I feel like collecting these diamonds, or
beads. Now
they are becoming visible. They
gathered in a necklace.
I am proud of myself with all my heart. I feel
excellent. I feel royal.
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!
J A : Zaupam...
moje drage, moji dragi!
imam to veselje. Zaupam, da je v meni. Zaupam, da sem lahko točno to, kot sem.
Cenim, da sem tukaj in da pišem.
Ponosna sem nase z vsem srcem. Počutim se odlično. Počutim se kraljevo.
da sem v tem lepem trenutku. Pa saj, kateri trenutek pa ni lep. Danes še bolj
sledimo svojemu srcu. Čisto v polnosti. Kako sem si danes polepšala dan! S
cvetočim drevesom. Kaj je zdaj to?
imam svoje življenje. Uživam
v njem. Zdaj pa še je bolj čas, da sem res to, kdo sem. V
polnosti. Uh, kaj sem si to naredila?
svojo notranjost kako se razvija, kako postaja. Ali kako je vedno bolj to, kar
je vedno bila. Ali to, v kar je postala. Čutim ta zagon v sebi. Čutim to moč, da
sem bila vedno samo zato tukaj, da sem lahko to, kdo sem. Zase. Ker si zaslužim lepo življenje.
kot bi nabirala te diamantke, ali perle. Zdaj pa postajajo vidni. Zbrali
so se v lepo ogrlico.
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!
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