Hey, how about your
fun life? What's happening to you today? Yesterday? The day before? Ever?
It's time to care for
yourself. To
care for your soul. This should
be the first place.
It's always the same. When I take
good care of myself, I behave well (I’m kinder) with others.
Heart path is our
right. Are you there? Do you hear your heart? Let the heart be our main compass. That's right!
How nice to hear the
words from the heart, which are really sincere. They can be quite simple. Thank
you. They are still one more important and less straightforward. I let them
fall asleep. Like Sleeping Beauty. I am proud of you.
It's not nice that I have such a luxury to discover
the depths of my heart.
Soul! It's a pure privilege. I heard
somewhere yesterday that if it was a rejection, (in terms of relationship, or
service, or anything else) this is our protection. And I'm grateful for that.
The holiday is still
tangible. At all ... if I’m wearing gold shoes.
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Otipljiva prazničnost…
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
kak pa kaj tvoje zabavno življenje? Kaj se ti je kaj zabavnega zgodilo danes?
Včeraj? Predvčerajšnjim? Kdajkoli?
Čas je za nego sebe. Za nego svoje duše. To naj bo na prvem mestu.
Srčna pot je naša prava. Si tu? Slišiš svoje srce? Naj bo srce naš glavni kompas. Tako je!
je enako. Ko lepo skrbim
zase, lepo ravnam z drugimi.
lepo je slišati besede iz srca, ki so res iskrene. Lahko so čisto preproste.
Kot hvala. So še pa ene bolj pomembne in manj preproste. Malo sem jim pustila
zaspati. Kot Trnuljčico. Ponosna
sem nate.
Kaj ni lepo, da imam tako razkošje, da odkrivam
globine svojega srca.
Duše! To je čisti
privilegij. Včeraj sem nekje slišala, da če je bila zavrnitev, (glede odnosa,
ali službe ali česarkoli drugega) je to naša zaščita. In hvaležna sem za to.
Še vedno je
prazničnost otipljiva. Sploh... če si obujem zlate čevlje.
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!
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