sreda, 20. junij 2018

K A T E J A : More white!?

Hi my Beloved!

Everything is welcomed. I'm human. Growth. Joyful growth.

I admit, sometimes I feel like a tree. Grown into the ground. With roots in soil. As if I had no legs to move on my own. But even though I watch the tree every day, is invisible to me, it grows! At least it accumulates power to grow!

I grow every day. Something arises in me. Same as with the tree. Similarly. I'm already getting new buds? I rest and gather power? I grow beautiful fruits? Chances are the different parts of me are differently far. Or various wishes in me grown to a different extent. At different stages.

How many times in my life do I believe that the storm and the rain and the flash will last forever?! They will not. Already our ancestors knew that after the rain, the sun always shines. Sometimes it's a real relief, if only I know that. This too shall pass! It's enough for now!

Life is anything. We are choosing for ourselves. Do I really believe that? Sometimes already. Especially when something good is happening to me. You could choose the best for yourself. And you?

Now it's already my time! Summer! Not quite yet! But more and more tangible! What's more beautiful than white for this time? And a little more white?! With a few lines!? Everything is more airy, even the flip-flops! It's great to feel the breeze for freshness!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Še več belega!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Vse je dobrodošlo. Človek sem. Rasti. Radostne rasti.

Priznam, včasih se počutim kot drevo. Vkopano v zemljo. Kot da nimam nog, da se premikam po svoje. Ampak tudi drevo kljub temu, da ga opazujem vsak dan, nevidno meni, raste! Ali vsaj nabira moči za rast!

Vsak dan rastem. Vsak dan nekaj nastaja v meni. Enako kot pri drevesu. Podobno. Že ženem nove popke? Počivam in si nabiram moči? Zorim lepe sončne sadeže? Verjetno so različni deli mene različno daleč. Ali različne želje mene različno daleč. V različnih fazah.

Kolikokrat v svojem življenju veramem, da bo nevihta in naliv in bliskanje trajalo večno?! Pa ne bodo. Že naši predniki so vedeli, da za dežjem vedno posije sonce. Včasih je že pravo olajšanje, če vem samo to. Tudi to bo minilo! Dovolj je za zdaj!

Življenje je karkoli. Sami izbiramo. Pa res verjamem to? Včasih že. Sploh, ko mi kaj dobrega dogaja. Sama bi si tako najboljše izbrala zase. Pa si?

Zdaj pa je že moj čas! Poletje! Ne še čisto! Ampak vedno bolj otipljivo! Kaj je lepšega kot belo za ta čas? In še malo več belega?! Z malo črtami!? Vse je zračno, tudi natikači! Super, da kdaj popiha vetrc za svežino!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!

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