Hi my Beloved!
I like it when women
have emancipated themselves. We can go everywhere. Two ladies were chatting.
One came to tea. The other one came to read the newspaper. Interesting ... I
think I was born precisely here as I did so that I could be authentic. Freedom to
create. I can’t even say how great I feel. Everything inside me
screams with joy! More loud. It's nice here.
What is my favorite
color? There is no need to explain. Bright pink has the vibration of love inside. And this is the right one. Hearty.
How can love be not
false? If it's not true then it's not love. Then it's just something imaginary.
Well, there is no imagination. As long as it's real, it is. Love is in the
heart. Always. Ever-present. Forever.
I'm just settling. Following my heart! Well, there is no time when there is no
love. This is the way you would say that there is no sun in daylight. It's
always, it's just hidden behind clouds sometimes. For me it is the same, only
the blinds got pulled down. And heavy black velvet curtains drawn. But it does
not have to be that way. There is no need. The sun is always here. I'll just
open it all over. For the glow of the soul, the heart. The beauty of the day.
I always like to
remember the lovely Italian town. I just stopped for coffee. It was so nice. Lovely
coffee shop. I've looking to their daily newspaper. And I read their words,
which were meaningless to me. Only associations. But they are extremely fun. Full of
laughter around.
I love sun! And
colors! All is dusty rose pink. Not exactly. Only a blazer! And all other are
variations of that. All in the same color family! Dark coral. Checkered pattern
in a skirt. I love being by the lake and just enjoying the sun! I adore wind in
the hair!
Love with all your
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful day with
the wind in hair!
J A : Veter v laseh!
Hej moji dragi!
Kako mi je všeč, ko smo se ženske tako
emancipriale. Vsepovsod lahko gremo same. Dve gospe sta keleptali. Ena je
prišla na čaj. Druga spet je prišla brati časopis. Zanimivo… Mislim, da sem se
rodila v točno tukaj kot sem se, da lahko žvim sovjo pristnost. Svobodo
ustvarjanja. Ne morem povedati,
kako odlično se počutim. Vse v meni kar kriči od radosti! Bolj vriska. Lepo mi
je tukaj.
Slikam svoje dneve po svoje. To je taki užitek. Vem.
In privilegij!
Kaj je moja najljubša barva? Ni niti potrebe
razlagati. Živo
roza ima vibracijo ljubezni v sebi. In
to tiste prave. Srčne.
Samo, kako je lahko ljubezen sploh neprava?
Če ni prava, potem ni ljubezen. Potem je pač nekaj namišljenega. Pa saj ne
obstaja namišljenost. Dokler je resnična, je. Potem pa je ljubezen v srcu. Vedno.
Vseprisotna. Vedno prisotna. Samo naravnam se. Na sledenju svojemu
srcu! Pa saj ne obstaja čas, ko ni ljubezni. To je tako, kot bi rekli, da ni
sonca podnevi. Vedno je, samo je včasih skrito za oblaki. Pri meni pa je isto,
samo rolete imam dol potegnjene. In težke črne žametne zavese zagrnjene. Ampak
ni treba, da je tako. Ni treba. Sonce je vedno tukaj. Samo odprem vse na
strežaj. Za sijaj duše, srca. Lepoto dneva. Čarobnost…
Vedno se tako rada spomnim ljubkega
italijanskega mesteca. Kar tako sem se ustavila, na kavi. Bilo je tako lepo.
Ljubka kavarnica. Listala sem njihov dnevni časopis. In brala njihove besede,
ki so mi bile brez pomena. Samo asociacije. Bile pa so nadvse zabavne. Polno smeha
Ljubim sonce! In barve! Vse je temno rožnate
roza barve. ne ravno. Samo jakna! In vse drugo so odtenki tega. Vse iz iste
družine barve! Temno koralne. Karirast vzorec na krilu. Rada sem ob jezeru in
samo uživam v soncu! Obožujem veter v laseh!
Ljubi z vsem srcem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste.
Ljubite! Uživajte slasten dan z vetrom v laseh!
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