petek, 31. maj 2019

K A T E J A : Wavelets...

Hi my Beloved!

Everything that belongs to me – belongs to me. I do not need to do anything for that. It's all so easy. Everything is happening so easily. Everything is going on in my favor. I can only trust. At least a bit! At least a bit! I enjoy it.

I appreciate being here at the moment. Right now, just like me. In fullness. I appreciate that I can be exceptional. I appreciate that I can only be myself. And that's enough!

So I appreciate these days. Even that day. It's a gift! Only for me!

Somehow, I'm overflowing with flowering. I feel this inner nature that it wants to bloom even further. My life is diversity. And discovering myself. Or just letting the soul flow even further through me. Only to become even more visible.

I can trust that everything happens for me? Can I trust even more today that all of the Universe is on my side? Can I just trust to delightful grow and grow everything inside me? I can only be more. Authenticity. Beauty. Internal beauty. This is so important to me. I know.

I'm who I am. And I can enjoy this. I can be kind. I can ... what can I? I'm here. I am! I am! I know I am. Everything is still in me. There may be waves on the surface. They can. They can be only cute, tiny wavelets, that is all more interesting.

Life loves you!

Love with all your heart!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!

P.S.S.: Hey, your life is loving you! Trust! I am inspired to open my heart. Anyone is inspired to listen to his own heart. We walk each in our hearts direction.


SLO: K A T E J A : Valovanje…

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Vse, kar je moje, mi pripada. Nič ne rabim narediti za to. Vse je tako lahko. Vse se dogaja s tako lahkoto. Vse se dogaja v moj prid. lahko samo zaupam. Vsaj malo! Vsaj malo! Uživam.

Cenim, da sem tukaj v tem trenutku. Točno zdaj taka kot sem. V polnosti. Cenim, da sem lahko izjemnost. Cenim, da sem lahko samo jaz. In to je čisto dovolj!

Tako cenim te dneve. Sploh ta dan. Kot darilo je! Samo zame!

Nekako čutim, da me preplavlja cvetenje. Čutim to notranjo naravo, da si želi še bolj cveteti. Moje življenje je pestrost. In odkrivanje sebe. Ali pa samo dopuščanje duši, da se še bolj pretaka skozi mene. Samo, da še bolj postaja vidna.

Lahko zaupam, da se vse dogaja zame? Lahko danes še bolj zaupam, da mi vse Vesolje stoji ob strani? lahko samo zaupam, da rastem in da vse raste v meni? Lahko samo bolj sem. pristnost. Lepota. Notranja lepota. To mi je tako bolj pomembno. Vem.

Sem kdo sem. In lahko uživam v tem. Lahko sem prijaznost. Lahko sem… kaj lahko!? Sem. Sem! Sem! Vem, da sem. V meni je vse mirno. Lahko so valovi na površju. Lahko. Lahko pa so samo ljubki, majčkeni valčki, da je vse bolj zanimivo. 

Življenje te ljubi!

Ljubi z vsem srcem!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

P.S.S.: Hej, življenje te ljubi! zaupaj! Sem navdih, da odprem svoje srce. Vsak, ki išče svojo pot, naj prisluhne svojemu srcu. Hodimo vsak po svoji srčni poti.

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