petek, 8. marec 2019

K A T E J A : Just pink!

Hi my Beloved!

I know. I'm in love (a little). This spring! I love wearing colors. I love writing. I love the shades of happiness, laughter, fun and beauty. It feels like spring is coming.

It feels like lightness and light and shine in the air. Now more than ever.

I appreciate that I can be who I am. More and more heartiness is revealed. Everything in me wants to bloom. And it is! I have nothing to do with it. Just like I have nothing to do with my nails or hair growing (as Wayne Dyer would say). It happens! The same is with the internal flowering. It's calling me! Nature in me awakens. Everything wants to wake up. Everything wants to open even more to this happiness.

I love being myself. And I'm getting just to it.

Can I trust today? I can trust that I can be who I am in fullness and even enjoy it. Whatever happens. The worries are not real. It still happened in a strange way that everything was resolved in a way that I did not even think about.

Now at this moment, nothing has to be resolved at all, because everything is going. Just as the sun appears in the morning, so I can trust my inner leadership. Internal intuition.

We celebrated the day of women. How beautiful shoes had a friend. And the other one. And of course I have them now! And another friend will buy them! They are pink! And on them floral branches are blossomed. It's really spring!

Life loves you!

Love with all your heart!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!

P.S.S.: Hey, your life is loving you! Trust! I am inspired to open my heart. Anyone is inspired to listen to his own heart. We walk each in our hearts direction.


SLO: K A T E J A : Samo roza...

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Vem. Malo me razganja. Ta pomladanskost. Rada si oblačim barve. Rada sem pisana. Rada imam odtenke sreče, smeha, zabavnosti in lepote. Čuti se, da prihaja pomlad.

Čuti se, da je lahkotnost in svetloba in sijaj v zraku. Zdaj še bolj kot kdajkoli.

Cenim, da sem lahko to, kdo sem. Vedno bolj se ta srčnost razkriva. Vse v meni želi cveteti. In dopuščam. Nič nimam pri tem. Tako kot nimam nič pri tem, da mi rastejo nohti ali lasje (kot bi rekel Wayne Dyer). Kar zgodi se! Enako je s tem notranjim cvetenjem. Kliče me! Narava v meni se prebuja. Vse se želi zbuditi. Vse se želi odpreti še bolj tej sreči.

Rada sem jaz. In navajam se.

Lahko danes zaupam? Lahko zaupam, da sem lahko to, kdo sem v polnosti in še celo uživam zraven. Karkoli se dogaja. Skrbi niso resnične. Še vedno se je zgodilo na nek čuden način, da se je vse razrešilo na način, na katerega sploh pomislila nisem.

Zdaj v tem trenutku pa se sploh nima kaj razrešiti, ker vse teče. Tako kot se sonce zjutraj prikaže, tako lahko zaupam svojemu notranjemu vodstvu. Notranji intuiciji.

Praznovale smo dan žena. Kako lepe čevlje je imela prijateljica. In še druga. In seveda jih imam zdaj tudi jaz! Pa še druga prijateljica si jih bo nabavila! Roza so! In na njih so razcvetene cvetlične vejice. Res je pomlad!

Življenje te ljubi!

Ljubi z vsem srcem!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

P.S.S.: Hej, življenje te ljubi! zaupaj! Sem navdih, da odprem svoje srce. Vsak, ki išče svojo pot, naj prisluhne svojemu srcu. Hodimo vsak po svoji srčni poti.

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