my Beloved!
Now listen to your heart! Today is the day!
Today, this is an opportunity for us to get even closer together with our
dreams! What
makes you happy? What inspires you? What do you always want to do,
when you were little?
I have some areas that I master. And now it's
time to move on. What makes you happy? What is your joy? What is your
playfulness? What is your courage and self-identity? Today is the day that
everything goes on. All the fun, all the playfulness, all the vivacity, all the
joy, all the fullness. The soul expresses itself through us. Fullness is
becoming our inner world. We are full of love. Do you feel this magic?
It's true! We have pure love in ourselves. We
have everything inside! But sometimes it covers everyday life. For example,
ideas for cooking, or shopping or anything that I want to realize. Everything is
possible and everything is shiny and everything is the way it should be. I want to create an even more magical life. And
this is now my time.
I really appreciate that I have such a
beautiful life! Now
it's time to spice it up a little! With
love. Today, I open my heart for love even more! This is my main compass !!!
How nice it was on a journey! I enjoyed it!
At the coffee! We stopped in this beautiful city! It was delicious with the sun!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Malo začinimo!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Danes poslušajmo svoje srce! Danes je ta dan!
Danes je ta priložnost, da se mi povežemo še bolj s sovjimi sanjami! Kaj te osrečuje?
Kaj te navdihuje? Kaj si vedno rada počela / rad počel, ko si bila / bil majhen?
Imam nekaj področji, ki sem jih izpilila. In
zdaj je čas, da grem naprej. Kaj pa tebe razveseljuje? Kaj je tvoje veselje?
Kaj je tvoja igrivost? Kaj je tvoja smelost in samosvojost? Danes je ta dan, da
se vse nadaljuje. Vsa zabavnost, vsa igrivost, vsa živost, vse veselje, vsa
polnost. Duša se izraža skozi nas. Polnost postaja naša notranjost. Polni smo ljubezni. Čutiš to čarobnost?
Res je to! Čisto ljubezen imamo v sebi. Vse že
imamo v sebi! Ampak včasih jo prekrijejo vsakdanjosti. Kot naprimer, ideje za
kuhanje, ali nakupovanje ali karkoli, kar si želim uresničiti. Vse je možno in
vse je sijoče in vse je tako, kot mora biti. Želim si ustvarjati še bolj čarobno življenje. In to je zdaj
moj čas.
Res cenim, da
imam tako lepo življenje! Zdaj pa je čas, da ga začinim
malo! Z ljubeznijo.
Danes še bolj odpiram svoje srce ljubezni! To je moj glavni kompas!!!
Kako lepo je bilo na
izletu! Tako sem uživala! Sploh ob kavi! Ustavili smo se v tem lepem mestu! Oblito je bilo
s soncem!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar
ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!
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