ponedeljek, 18. februar 2019

K A T E J A : Red pleated skirt

Hi my Beloved!

Today is the day to travel. I'm sure of myself. More and more. Or someone I'm not. And also, of course, who I am. It's nice here. I'm glad to live this life today. And here. And now. I'm happy. Very. I enjoy it.

Joyful growth. I'm art in progress. Flower buds are growing. The flowers are opening at the right time. Leaves absorb light. Nature in me awakens. I feel that power within me, the soul that wishes to express itself. May the soul lead in fullness. I give it the advantage. Whisper to me. Calling me forward.

Today is the day, when the magic is revealed to me. I feel it. It’s becoming tangible.

Where does the journey lead me? To an even more magical place. And even more magical places. It can be fairytale. And it can be even more fabulously. I'm ready to see my life differently. It's full. I'm happy. It's magical. And this gives it even more festivity.

A few days ago, we were in this beautiful castle in the middle of the city! There was no sun! Now, we've been completely flooded with sunshine! And I love the sun! And of course, my new red leopard printed skirt. The best thing for me is that I had a companion! We found it together! Pure perfection!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


 SLO: K A T E J A : Rdeče plesirano krilo…

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Danes je dan za potovanje. Vedno bolj gotova sem vase, kdo nisem. Pa tudi, seveda, kdo sem. Lepo mi je tukaj. Lepo mi je živeti to življenje danes. In tukaj. In zdaj. Srečna sem. Zelo. Uživam.

Radostno rastem. Se razvijam. Popki cvetov kar nastajajo. Cvetje se odpira ob pravem času. Listi srkajo svetlobo. Brstiči ženejo. Narava v meni se prebuja. Čutim to moč v meni, dušo, ki se želi izraziti. Naj danes duša vodi v polnosti. Dajem ji prednost. Naj mi šepeta. Naj mi intuicija narekuje.

Danes je ta dan, ko se mi razkriva čarobnost. Čutim jo. Postaja otipljiva.

Kam me vodi potovanje? Na še bolj čarobno mesto. Na še več čarobnih krajev. Lahko je pravljično. In lahko je še bolj pravljično. Pripravljena sem videti drugače svoje življenje. Polno je. Zadovoljna sem. Čarobno je. In to mu daje še več prazničnosti.

Pred nekaj dnevi smo bili na tem čudovitem gradu sredi mesta! Niti malo ni bilo sonca! Zdaj pa nas je čisto zalilo! In rada imam sonce!In seveda moje novo rdeče tigrasto leoprardje krilo. Najlepše pa mi je, da sem imela sokrivoko! Skupaj sva ga našli! Čista popolnost!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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