Hi my Beloved!
Exactly as it is, it's magical. Nothing should be changed. My goals are to live even
more fully. Let the soul lead.
What is not great!
It's perfect! And then it’s even better! I love this sunshine of my heart. I
like to shower those days with light. How I like life in general! Where does it
keep me going? I do not need to know. Every day I will be exposed to it. Divinity.
Pleasure! Magic. Love.
Today is a day for
gentleness to yourself. We've already done a lot. Many experienced. We're here.
In this moment. Now. Complete. Surviving winter and summer. Frost and fever.
Really big. We
came a long way.
Let's praise ourselves for a bit, let's acknowledge ourselves.
Let's be gentle with
you, at least friendly. Everything is fine. And if it's not good yet, it's not
over yet. But
we really have come far.
Everything in red! But
really! There is nothing to think about! I'm just getting out of the closet, what shines red!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!
SLO: K A T E J A : Vse v rdečem!
Hej moje drage, moji dragi!
Točno tako kot je, je čarobno. Nič
se ne rabi spremeniti. Moja cilje je živeti polno še bolj. Naj duša vodi.
Ni super, ko je že super in je potem samo še
boljše! Rada imam to sončnost svojega srca. Rada imam take dneve zalite s
svetlobo. Kako rada imam življenje nasploh. Kam me vodi dalje? Ne rabim vedeti.
Vsak dan sproti mi bo razkrito. Božanskost. Užitek! Čarobnost. Ljubezen.
Danes je dan za nežnost do sebe. Veliko smo že
dali skozi. Veliko doživeli. Tukaj smo. V tem trenutku. Zdaj. Popolni. Preživeli
zime in poletja. Zmrzal in vročino. Res veliko. Daleč smo prišli.
Pohvalimo se malo, potrepljajmo se po rami.
Bodimo nežni s sabo, vsaj prijateljsko
naklonjeni. Vse je dobro. In če še ni dobro, še ni konec. Ampak res smo že
daleč prišli.
Vse v rdečm! Ampak
res! Sploh ni kaj razmišljati! Samo vzamem iz omare, kaj sije rdeče! Popolnost!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten zabaven dan!
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