ponedeljek, 11. februar 2019

K A T E J A : The orange blossom...

Hi my Beloved!

I am love now and I also attract this love from others.

At the same time, I trust. All answers will come up promptly. I trust the universe. I don't need to know further. Just like the story unfolds in the each page. Every single page. That's how my life is going. One day at a time.

Today I even more trust the Universe. It gots my back. It's lifting me up. It's embracing me with all love! I'm beloved!

Intertwining. How beautiful it is when the magic intertwined with everyday life. I feel more and more the magic. It's becoming tangible. My soul should lead today, to show me signs, live through me. My heart is my compass.

The depths are more and more revealed. The magic is in its simplicity and ease.

Today is the orange day! Even the flowers on the shoes are orange! Happy orange day!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Cvetje v oranžni…

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Zdaj sem ljubezen in to ljubezen tudi privlačim, privabljam od drugih.

Hkrati pa zaupam. Vsi odgovori bodo prišli sproti. Zaupam Vesolju. Ne rabim vedeti naprej. Tako kot se zgodba odvija po listih. Vsak list posebej, tako se odvija moje življenje, vsak dan posebej.

Danes še bolj zaupam Vesolju. Krije mi hrbet. Dviguje me. Objema me z vso ljubeznijo! Ljubljena sem!

Prepletanja. Kako je lepo, ko se prepleta čarobno z vsakdanjim. Vedno bolj čutim čarobnost. Otipljiva je. Moja duša naj danes vodi, naj mi pokaže znamenja, na živi skozi mene. Srce je moj kompas.

Globine so vedno bolj razkrite. Čar je v enostavnosti in preprostosti.

Danes je oranžen dan! Celo rože na čevljih so oranžne! Vesel oranžen dan!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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