ponedeljek, 24. december 2018

K A T E J A : Let the holidays go on!

Hi my Beloved!

My life is a story, every day with fresh page. Will I look back and copy? Will I write something fresh? What really is genuine? Where does my heart lead today? We live a genuine, authentic life in our own way.

Yesterday, I wrote positive aspects of the most important things. Well, they are not things. All of this came from Abraham (Esther Hicks). Find ten favorite things. Everything. The best thing for me to hear is, that if you don’t like somewhere, move elsewhere. But first find ten favorite things that are now present.

Fall in love with yourself. What's the ten favorite things on you?

How interesting to me is that some books have left a mark. Others, I just read and know, I know in my heart. With all my being, I know that even more I want to realize myself. And it's worth it to listen to my heart. Happiness. Freedom of creation. Joyful growth.

Where is my heart calling me today?

For the holidays, the whole family is gathered. Here, a whole red family was gathered: bright pink, pink, orange, red. All how much they shine! Let the holidays go on!

A lovely day full of adventure!

Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!

Be delicious... inside outward...


P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day!


SLO: K A T E J A : Naj se prazniki nadaljujejo!

Hej moje drage, moji dragi!

Moje življenje je zgodba, vsak dan s svežim listom. Bom gledala nazaj in prepisovala? Ali bom napisala kaj svežega? Kaj resnično pristnega? Kam me vodi srce danes? Živimo veselo pristno življenje po svoje.

Včeraj sem pisala pozitivne aspekte najpomembnejših stvari. Pa saj niso stvari. Vse to sem se nalezla od Abrahama (Esther Hicks). Najdi deset najljubših stvari. Vsega. Najlepše pa mi je bil poslušati o tem, da če ti nekje ni všeč, da se premakni drugam. Ampak prej najdi deset najljubših stvari, ki so zdaj prisotne. 

Zaljubi se vase. Kaj je deset najljubših stvari na sebi?

Kako zanimivo mi je to, da nekatere knjige pustijo pečat. Druge pa samo preberem in vem, v srcu vem. Z vsem bitje vem, da si še bolj želim uresničevati sebe. Pa tudi to, da se je vredno podati na srčno pot. Sreče. Svobode ustvarjanja. Radostno rast. 

Kam me danes kliče srce?

Za praznike se zbere cela družina. Tu pa se je zbrala cela rdeča družina: živo roza, pink, oranžna. Vse koliko žive se da! Naj se prazniki nadaljujejo!

Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!

Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!

Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!


P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte slasten pink dan!

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