my Beloved!
The little things make me so happy. Blooming
only for me! It's
pure perfection!
How about my blooming!? I blossom so much that
I can't sleep! I'm full at startup. And I can't wait to continue. I really have
beautiful blossoms. Now that I'm in bloom. And I think that flowering will never stop, because I
have new ideas. Of course they are still in the navel. But the
flower bud also has its own charm of expectation.
I like the comfort of these beautiful days.
I'm so happy to be here. In this nice moment. I love having a great life. I
like genuine and I'm learning to be even more authentic.
love to trust my inner nature. Sometimes
I didn't know it. Or I didn't dare. It was just a little pesky voice that kept
me away from the logic. Or what I thought I needed, because that's what's
expected of me.
In me, I always find such playfulness,
happiness, relaxation, beauty. If I follow this call, it always ends well.
How's your day? Are there some varieties? Are they
interesting? How's your life?
I quickly escaped with my friend on a coffee
in a lovely city with a castle! There was such a beautiful coffee shop there!
I'm always on the run! For an action! At all, if there is a coffee shop! And the castle!
lovely day full of adventure!
Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
Be delicious... inside outward...
P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful pink day! Check out my new youtube channel for inspiration ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDiYTQJJhok
SLO: K A T E J A : Samo grad…
moje drage, moji dragi!
Kako me take malenkosti osrečijo. Cveti
samo zame! Čista popolnost je!
Kako pa kaj moje cvetenje!? Tako cvetim,
da kar spati ne morem! Polno sem v zagonu. In komaj čakam, da nadaljujem. Res
imam lepe cvete. Zdaj ko sem v cvetenju. In mislim, da se cvetenje ne bo nikoli nehalo, ker
imam polno novih idej za nove cvete. Seveda so še zdaj v popku. Ampak tudi popek ima svoj čar pričakovanja.
Kako rada imam udobje teh lepih dni. Tako sem srečna, da sem kar tukaj. V tem lepem trenutku. Rada imam svoje lepo življenje. Tako rada sem
pristna in se učim biti pristna še bolj.
Rada zaupam svoji notranji naravi. Včasih ji nisem znala. Ali si ji nisem
upala. Bil je samo majhen nadležen glasek, ki me je vodil stran od logike. Ali
od tega, kar sem jaz mislila, da moram, ker se to od mene pričakuje.
V sebi vedno najdem tako igrivost,
srečo, sproščenost, lepoto. Če sledim temu klicu, se vedno dobro izteče.
Kako kaj tvoji dnevi? So kaj pestri? So kaj zanimivi? Kako kaj
tvoje življenje?
Na hitro sem pobegnila s prijateljico na
kavo v ljubko mesto z gradom! Tam je bila tako lepa kavarnica! Vedno sem za
pobege! Za akcijo! Sploh, če je tam kavarna! In grad!
Ljubek dan poln pustolovščine!
Ljubite se, bodite kar ste! Zabavajte se!
Bodite sočni, od znotraj navzven!
P.S.: Bodite kar ste. Ljubite! Uživajte
slasten pink dan! Poglejte moj novi youtube kanal za navdih... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDiYTQJJhok
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